CourtRoom Program Recent Changes

11/27/2024 Version 1.24.12A

  • Added the ability to include or exclude NYSID in the defendant name list
11/19/2024 Version 1.24.11D
  • Added the ability to import arrest data directly from the DCJS Arrest Feed.
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 07/24.
  • Updated 609.FRM, CDR Summary Listing to indicate when a case is linked to a DCJS arrest charge.
  • Additional fields have been added within the Legislation Data button to collect Prosecutor and Judges Bail.
07/02/2024 Version 1.24.07A
  • Fixed issue when creating local backups and including archives.
  • Fixed latency issue when creating DMV report disk.
  • Required infrastructure enhancements.
06/14/24 Version 1.24.06B++
  • iw_WEBSERVER links
05/14/24 Version 1.24.05C
  • All print issues related to the new print dialog have been resolved.
  • Enhanced options for local backups and auto backups.
  • CDR sentence validations.
  • New JCF web address will be available in CRP starting on 05/22/2024.
  • Validations added to CDR IID.
  • Added ability to collect revocation time in CDR.
04/08/24 Version 1.24.04B
  • Fixed issue where NYSID wasn't printing on forms.
  • Fixed issue where laws with multiple charge weights weren't saving correctly.
  • Added ability to disable default printer settings by navigating to Utility->Printer Setup and selecting Disable PRS.
03/28/24 Version 1.24.03E
  • New CourtRoom Program custom print dialog.
  • Updated the CDR screen to properly validate against
          incorrect data entry.
  • Updated Legislation Data's CJTN and NYSID validations
          to run on fingerprintable cases only.
  • Enhanced the Utility->Read eTicket XML functionality.
  • Always display the License Plate Field on the
          DMV Data screens.
  • Other minor bug fixes and quality of life improvements.
12/28/23 Version 1.23.12E
  • Fixed issue were CDR eligible cases could not be merged
          prior to starting the CDR.
  • Fixed surcharge calculation issue on the Printed CDR.
  • CJTN now correctly shows up after case creation.
  • Enhanced CAP transfers to include more CDR identifiers.
  • Removed erroneous CDR Arrest Warrant interim disposition
          validation message.
11/14/23 Version 1.23.11C+
  • Fixed validation issue when creating a case
         with multiple charges and entering in Arraignment Date.
  • 'Backup' and 'Upload your backup to UCS' menu items now
         functioning properly.
11/14/23 Version 1.23.11C
  • Ability to track if a Fine, Fee,
         Surcharge, or State Fee has been
         waived or reduced.
  • Updated Receipt forms and LH_005 for
         waive/waive reductions.
  • Seal Date is now collected on the CDR Charge Info tab.
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS.
         This posting includes the most recent changes
         and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files"
         published 09/12/23.
  • New CDR validations added to help curb
         CDR reporting errors.
  • Prevent invalid characters from being entered into
         Name fields to help curb CDR reporting errors.
  • Allow lower case letters after a number when entering a
         street address.
  • Remove the degree from the printed CDR540.
  • Updates to Legislation Data's Release Status:
         ** Added ability to enter non monetary conditions on Bail Set.
         ** Added "Bail-Nominal Cash" Release Status.
  • Corrected ORI in the dropdown for Westhampton Beach Justice Court
10/10/23 Version 1.23.10B
  • Waived for pilot courts testing.
  • Corrected ORI in the dropdown for Westhampton Beach Justice Court
  • Validations to prevent invalid characters in First, Middle Initial and Last Name Fields.
  • New CDR validations to help prevent reporting errors.
  • Release Status changes to Legislative Data
         * Added ability to add optional NMR conditions to
            "Bail Set & Posted" and Bail Set & Not Posted"
         * Added new "Bail Set - Nominal Cash" status
06/28/23 Version 1.23.06E
  • Fix CourtRoom Program hanging after
         clicking print. Issue introduced when
         updating from Windows 10 to Windows 11 22H2.
  • Link to "Off Hours Family Court Warrant Information" added to the Help Menu.
05/03/23 Version 1.23.05A
  • Fixed issue where NYSID and CJTN were not included when uploading CDRs.
  • Added an option to disable the printer setup. This was added to avoid issues introduced by Windows 11 22H2.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented entering certain CDR dispositions when a felony is reduced.
04/24/23 Version 1.23.04E+
  • New "Legislation Data" button and dialog added for the collection of required bail data (Judiciary Law 216 and Executive Law 837-U). See NYCOURTS.US home page for link to documentation.
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 03/23/23.
  • Allow "OT" (AKA Other) to be entered in the "License State" on the Edit DMV Data Screen.
  • Add a Case screen's Cell phone field updated to be 15 characters so it is now the same length as the same field on the Edit Name screen.
  • Changed the Edit CDR->Charge Info tab Disp Code field from free text to a drop down list. This will help prevent CDR reporting errors.
  • Changed outdated 501 Card # references to CJTN.
  • Added the following website links to the Help menu: "UCS Self-Service Password Reset" "Court Clerk Contact List"
  • General maintenance updates (2.0 update).
03/15/23 Version 1.23.03C
  • Updated PREED DMV Plate search to use the
         new web service address assigned by DMV.
  • Reestablish F5/F6/F7 key's ability to be
         set to today's date.
  • Fixed issue where cases paid at nCourt were not updating the Action Code to Disposed and not updating the DMV Report Type when applicable.
03/01/23 Release Version 1.23.03A
  • Pilot Courts - XBase 2.0 Upgrade
         * Fix issue requiring race and ethnicity when
             adding a case even though it was already set.
         * Fix scrolling issues on Edit Disposition Screen
         * Fixed screen locking issue when adding other players
02/09/23 Release Version 1.23.02B++
  • Pilot Courts - XBase 2.0 Upgrade
         Fixed Dispcrim DMV display.
02/03/23 Release Version 1.23.02B
  • Pilot Courts - XBase 2.0 Upgrade
         Fixed Dispo screen tab bug.
02/03/23 Release Version 1.23.02A
  • Pilot Courts - XBase 2.0 Upgrade
         Fixed bug where transferred cases not
         automatically set disposed on the
         Dates & Payments tab on the
         Edit Disposition dialog.
01/31/23 Release Version 1.23.01E
  • Pilot Courts - XBase 2.0 Upgrade
12/19/22 Version 1.22.12D
  • Enable court of jurisdiction to upload to WebDVS after CAP Transfer providing the CAP court's "In Process" order is deleted or their OP is vacated. Please see the updated "WebDVS Export" document on NYCOURTS.US.
  • New ORIs added for Suffolk County
  • Fixed receipt by clerk issue
  • Fixed nCourt issue importing payments on cases not using
         "State Fee Defaults"
  • Misc enhancements.
10/05/22 Version 1.22.10B
  • Support for tickets Niche e-tickets received from NYS Police.
         In addition to TraCS, the NYS Police will be using Niche to send
         tickets electronically to OCA starting on 10/12/22.
         Form 655 must be updated for the tickets to print properly.
         Form 655 update instructions can be found on the NYCOURTS.US home page.
09/14/22 Version 1.22.09C+
  • Allow secure courts to access the Edit Judges->nCourt Tab.
         Users/Password permission level 001 must be equal to 'P'
  • Fix nCourt import payment issue for courts not using auto receipts.
09/14/22 Version 1.22.09C
  • Updates needed to run the Marijuana Sealing Form.
         Please download and run the 'Seal Old Marijuana Cases'
         Report and then upload affected cases to CDR.
         Instructions can be found on the NYCOURTS.US home page.
  • Added the ability to send State Fees to NCourt.
         Please see the instructions on how to
         to setup and upload State Fees to nCourt on the
         NYCOURTS.US home page.
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 08/23/22.
  • Added Date Validations to the Edit DMV Screen and to the CourtRoom Program Parking module.
  • Enhancements to warn/prevent duplicate receipt numbers.
         You can turn off duplicate receipt number validations by
         setting Users/Password permission level 083 to N
08/11/22 Release Version 1.22.08B
  • Ability to export case data to WebDVS from within
             The CourtRoom Program.
          See NYCOURTS.US for a link to
             "WebDVS Export Documentation"
  • Added CAP transfer notifications on startup for CAP Courts and Receiving Courts.
  • Fixed bug in CAP transfer where "Other Players" didn't transfer properly.
  • Added ORI for NYSP Machias
  • Fixed bug when clicking on "Add A Charge" from the Disposition Information screen.
  • Added "User Name and Password Help" Help menu item. Help->User Name and Password Help
  • As a reminder, you can report to TSLED from the CourtRoom Program. Please see the CourtRoom Program TSLED Reporting documentation on NYCOURTS.US
05/25/22 Release Version 1.22.05D
  • Users with Permission #84 set to ' ' can update
          Court-Wide State Fee Defaults by going to
          Utility->Edit Databases->Court Information and
          clicking on the State Fee Defaults tab.
          Permission #84 Options (default is X):
             ' '= Allowed to edit court-wide state fee defaults.
             Also allowed to edit the "Use State Fee Defaults"
             on the State Fee Setup dialog for individual cases.
             'X'= Allowed to edit the "Use State Fee Defaults" on the
             State Fee Setup dialog for individual cases.
             Unable to edit court-wide state fee defaults
             'D'= Cannot edit court-wide or individual case's
             state fee defaults.
          If needed, update Permission #84 by going to
             Utility->Edit Databases->User/Password
  • Don't allow merge of civil case into VTL/PL Case.
  • Allow splitting of CDR case to separate out ACD charges.
03/16/22 Release Version 1.22.03C
  • Added Payment Plan functionality and State Fee Tracking.
             Please see for training videos and documentation.
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 03/14/22.
  • Fixed issue where zero dollar checkbook record was
             incorrectly created and ultimately sent to JCF
             in the Audit Control Report.
  • Changed Password level 036 which is used to autofill the
             amount paid on the Dates & Payments tab of the
             Disposition Information Screen. This was done to
             avoid accidental checkbook entries from being created
             and avoid errors on the month end report.
             To continue using the auto filling the amount
             paid functionality, please
             enter 'A' in Password level 036.
  • Charges no longer indicated as DNA Fee eligible if
             the charge was dismissed or a violation reduction.
  • Add ORI# for Exeter TC for CAP Courts
11/16/21 Release Version 1.21.11C
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 09/27/21.
  • Certificate of Disposition form logic updated to display correct severity on attempted charges.
  • CDR Button now displays for eligible attempted charges.
  • Added functionality to prevent docket merging of dockets with a CDR to prevent reporting errors
  • Support links updated to launch Bomgar instead of Teamviewer.
  • CAP Transfer searches (view transferred, check for imports) now done on demand. The Utility -> CAP Options menu items are now always enabled.
  • Updated form 655.FRM that is used to print eTickets. This updated version will include DWI test type and DWI test results.
  • Fixed bug where the wrong DNA Fee due was sent to NCourt if there was a partial payment made on the DNA Fee.
07/13/21 Release Version 1.21.07C
  • Added ability to update ORI and CDR Codes via "ORI/Database Utility" from the Main Menu.
  • Updated FineNote.LTR and FineNote_CreditCard.LTR * added payment plan footnote.
  • Updated DMV Report Summary (Form 608) * added ability to run for single judge.
  • Updated Certificate of Disposition to show the number of counts.
  • Enhancements to the version update process. Please see -> "Help Options":
          "CourtRoom Program Update Process" for a
             link to pdf of the update process.
          "Training Videos" for a link to the
             "CourtRoom Program Update Process" video.
06/15/21 Release Version 1.21.06C
  • Fixed various form preview issues.
  • Corrected CVAF defaults for CDR
  • Race and Ethnicity defaults to blank instead of "Unknown". Race and Ethnicity selection is now required for non-infractions.
05/19/21 Release Version 1.21.05D
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 05/18/21.
04/29/21 Release Version 1.21.04E
  • Added the ability to collect the defendant's ethnic origin.
         Please update Form 601 to view the ethnic origin
         on the Case History Report.
  • Courts Using nCourt for Online Payment:
         1) CourtRoom program no longerer uploading Scoff Lift
             Fees to nCourt.
             Please do bulk upload of all open cases to remove
             any Scoff Lift Fees that were previously uploaded.
         2) Updated the nCourt bulk upload report to more
             accurately show which cases were successfully uploaded.
             In order to utilize the new report, please update
             Form 627. In addition, if you use nCourt for
             Parking then update Form 470 as well.
04/14/21 Release Version 1.21.04C
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 03/24/21.
03/24/21 Release Version 1.21.03D
  • Allow Suspension Pending Prosecution on VTL 1192 04 (Drugs) charges.
  • Exclude TRANS/SCT/IDV cases in CDR Upload when no arraignment date exists.
  • Updated eTicket import:
          * No longer automatically seals eligible AEYO charges.
          * Added clickable report which displays after import which
             displays possible AEYO eligible charges.
          * Remove 'plus 4' of a zip code if it is '-0000'
  • Fixed bug where CourtRoom program wasn't archiving Outlook emails
  • Updated CoD marijuana footnote.
  • Added "Training Videos" link to the Help Menu
  • Added ability to collect the following new fields:
          * Desk Appearance Ticket Indicator
          * Race/Ethnicity
  • Added Brewster Village Police Department ORI to the Putnam County ORI List
  • Updated Memorial Day holiday date
  • Clarified messages displayed if NCourt transaction fails.
12/18/20 Release Version 1.20.12C+
  • Updates to the School Bus Photo Monitor Ordinance Indicator in the Audit Control Report file uploaded to the Comptrollers office.
12/15/20 Release Version 1.20.12C
  • Fixed issues when emailing preview or printed letter from within CourtRoom Program
  • Added cell phone and email fields to Jury Management
  • Added cell phone and email fields to Cleanup Officer/Attorney List
  • Zip Code Database Fix. 12193 updated from Waterloo to Westerlo
  • New Alert to inform user if new version of CourtRoom Program is available to download.
  • Admin rights no longer required when updating the CourtRoom Program.
10/14/20 Release Version 1.20.10C
  • Fixed bug on zip code short cut when adding a Civil Case.
09/28/20 Release Version 1.20.09E
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 08/25/2020.
  • Include new one-character School Bus Photo Monitor Ordinance Indicator in the Audit Control Report file uploaded to the Comptrollers office.
  • Display the cell phone (instead of phone) on the Case Information Screen for VTL, Criminal and Civil Cases.
  • Switch the phone and cell phone placement on the "Add a New Case Screen" and the "Edit Name" Screens for for VTL and Criminal Cases. The cell is now first.
  • Add cell phone to Civil case create screen.
07/30/20 Release Version 1.20.07E
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 07/21/2020.
  • Fixed CAP Court CDR Upload Bug. Don't set docket's closed date on CDR Upload.
  • Fixed DAT Upload exception which occured when uploading appearances for multiple judges and one of the judges specified didn't have any appearances.
05/26/20 Release Version 1.20.05E
  • Removed SAT and TRFCT from CDR Dispositions
  • DAT Appearance Notifications Updates:
          1) Case Create and Edit Name screens for PL and VTL cases
             updated to collect Preferred Notification, Preferred Language
             and Cell Phone.
          2) PL and VTL Case Information screens updated to display
             Preferred Notification Indicator.
          3) DAT Appearance Upload Preview Report updated to include
             Notification Type that will be utilized.
          4) DAT Appearance Upload updated to send the
             Preferred Notification Type and Preferred Language.
          5) Form 601 Updated to include Preferred Notification, Preferred
             Language and Cell Phone.
04/17/20 Release Version 1.20.04C
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 03/6/2020.
  • Updated the max number of days you can send appearances to the DAT Notification System from 40 days out to 60 days out.
  • Added ability to collect EMail at Case Create for VTL and Criminal Cases
  • DAT Appearance Notification Preview and Upload Report Enhancements.
  • Updated the Action/Status Code Report to include which DAT indicator(s) exist on each code.
  • Updated 601 and 602 forms, corrected receipt number / check number display.
  • Added Court ORI for Madison County - Chittenango VJ (NY026061J)
  • NCIC Number Changes:
          1) Updated New York State Police - Park Police Tac NCIC Number (NY0015500)
          2) Added Ulster Regional Gang Enforcement Narcotics Team (NY055013Y)
02/28/20 Release Version 1.20.02E
  • Fixed Parameter Type Exception when generating Form 601 and Pending Cases Report.
         Fixed missing action codes from various other reports.
01/08/20 Release Version 1.20.01B
  • Performance improvements for DAT Notification Preview and Upload
  • Fixed Notification upload issue - no longer upload appearances for
         dockets with open infraction charge and closed misdemeanor,violation or felony charge.
12/31/19 Release Version 1.19.12E+
  • Fixed following DAT Notification Upload issues:
          1) Appearances uploaded for Judges with two Initials were
             uploaded with an "Unknown" Judge name. Judge's actual
             name now uploads correctly for Judges with two initials.
          2) Action Codes not storing "Defendant Not Required To Appear"
             indicator when the indicator was set on a large number of
             Action Codes.
12/30/19 Release Version 1.19.12E
  • Added ability to upload appearances to OCA's DAT Notifications System.
  • Added ability to indicate which appearances require a defendant to appear in court. This is needed to determine which appearances to upload to OCA's DAT Notification System.
  • Added ability to indicate which appearances are arraignment appearances. OCA's DAT Notification System needs to know which appearances are arraignment appearances for the first appearance notice to be sent.
  • Added option to view the Credit Card Usage Report after no response is received from the NCourt Credit Card Reader.
  • Fixed bug which prevented CAP Courts from uploading CDRs to OCA from within the CourtRoom program.
  • New letters are available to be imported:
             Court Date Reminder Info Sheet.LTR
  • Updated Help Files.
11/13/19 Release Version 1.19.11C
  • Block partial payments using integrated NCourt Credit Card Reader. This functionality is not supported in the CourtRoom program.
  • Updated Certificate of Disposition letter to support new legislation changes.
10/10/19 Release Version 1.19.10B
  • Added ability to upload CDRs directly to OCA from within the CourtRoom Program.
  • Arraignment Date validation added to CDR validations.
  • Updated CDR Eligible Charges Logic to include Convicted Charges, Repealed Charges and Violations.
  • Updated CourtRoom Program installation to display more information when update requires administrator privileges.
  • Added the Surrender of Firearms CPL 370.25 Form. It can be located in the list of available letters as: ORDER_SURRENDER_FIREARMS.LTR.
08/27/19 Release Version 1.19.08E
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 08/2019.
  • Added new Marijuana Seal (160.50 (5)(a) Expunged).
  • Updated Certificate of Disposition to handle 160.50 (5)(a) Expunged seal. Please import CERT_DISPOSITION.LTR!
  • Updated Letter Head 8 to handle 160.50 (5)(a) Expunged seal for Seal Notices. Please import Letter Head Style #8 (Seal Order)!
  • Fix for large scale font setting which caused CourtRoom Program to terminate.
06/18/19 Release Version 1.19.06D
  • Fixed an issue with the CDR Deemed Dismissal Date for the ACD.
05/14/19 Release Version 1.19.05C
  • Updated JCF Handbook
  • Updated 655 Form - prevent overwriting of the ticket and supporting depositions.
  • Added the following ORIs: NYSP Lyons, NYSP Auburn, NYSP Junius Ponds, Binghamton City Court, Utica City Court, Syracuse City Court, Sherrill City Court,and Rome City Court.
  • Updated partial two-digit year defaults. When "20" is entered as the year it will now default to "2020" instead of "1920"
  • Changes to supported updated DoT Server
03/12/19 Release Version 1.19.03C
  • Updates to support migration from former SEI Server in Victor to OCA-DoT Servers.
02/11/19 Release Version 1.19.02C
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 2/7/2019.
02/06/19 Release Version 1.19.02B
  • New Parking update.
12/11/18 Release Version 1.18.12C
  • Updated phone number
  • Switch SEi references over to UCS
11/20/18 Release Version 1.18.11D
  • Updated SEiRemote.exe to the correct version.
  • Users with "Admin" access to CourtRoom Program now have access to "Clear nCourt Invoice Field" menu option.
11/01/18 Release Version 1.18.11A
  • Updated nCourt's credit card convenience fee from 3.5% to 2.99%.
  • Updated Small Claims guide pdf and text in Help menu
  • Fixed an issue which caused SEiRemote.exe to be missing.
09/26/18 Release Version 1.18.09E
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 9/19/2018.
  • Fix connection issues between Windows 10 Server and Windows 7 Clients (Enable SMB2).
  • Help File Updates.
08/21/18 Release Version 1.18.08D
  • Fixed 'Other' money is in bail option.
  • Modified the Update Utility to warn if the CDR_Case database fails to update.
08/03/18 Release Version 1.18.08A
  • Added Montebello Village Court (ORI #NY043581J) in Rockland County.
  • Update for nCourt credit card processing.
  • Fixed CDR Reporting Docket for merged courts - CRP was reporting original docket number.
07/02/18 Release Version 1.18.07A+
  • Fix for automatic receipt generation in secure courts.
  • Removed the Court Clerk Association option from the Main Menu, along with all related code.
05/23/18 Release Version 1.18.05D
  • Fix for 'Credit Card Errors' at the Rochester TVA.
  • Added Form 659 - CAP Open Case Report to forms database.
  • Fixed bug where switching between charges in CAP Courts navigated to the name tab in Case Create.
  • Stop displaying an alert if trying to create a root directory/drive (ie. D:), instead verify that the drive exists and is valid.
  • Changed Title of Alert Dialog when error creating directory to be more descriptive.
  • CAP Courts will not add an adjudication date to CDRs.
04/27/18 Release Version 1.18.04D
  • Digitally sign the CourtRoom program and installers.
04/26/18 Release Version 1.18.04A++
  • Fix TLS_client_method unknown variable method.
04/26/18 Release Version 1.18.04A+
  • Fix packaging issue affecting changelogs, and certain other files needed for new court installs.
04/24/18 Release Version 1.18.04A
  • Added code to create a COUNTY folder in program's root directory during log in if it doesn't exist.
  • Fixed CAP Courts notes issue where user notes were over written by the system during an export.
03/29/18 Release Version 1.18.03D
  • Added default Prosecutor name to ticket imports to Traffic Violation Agencies.
03/26/18 Release Version 1.18.03C
  • More changes to support the CAP courts. ('Central Arraignment Parts')
02/05/18 Release Version 1.18.02A
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 1/30/2018.
  • Improvements in handling multiple monitors.
01/31/18 Release Version 1.18.01D
  • The network address information (URL) for the server at DMV has changed. DMV_Call has been updated to use the new address.
01/18/18 Release Version 1.18.01C
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 1/17/2018.
01/08/18 Release Version 1.18.01B
  • Changes to handle recent Microsoft updates to Windows 10 that caused lockups when accessing network services.
  • Enabled enlarged views of Archived documents when using a second monitor.
12/18/17 Release Version 1.17.12C
  • Fixed a problem that could lockup the program when testing for transferred cases if the main transfer server was off-line. The program now ignores the error and keeps running.
12/06/17 Release Version 1.17.12B
  • Fixed a problem on secure courts that allowed the login screen to pop-up and interfere with other programs when a session timed out.
12/01/17 Release Version 1.17.12A
  • Cleaned up support for Scoff Lift Fees sent to nCourt on very old cases.
11/29/17 Release Version 1.17.11E
  • The network address information (URL) for the server at DMV has changed. DMV_Call has been updated to use the new address.
11/27/17 Release Version 1.17.11D
  • More changes to support the future 'Central Arraignment Parts' (CAP courts) in each of the counties across NY State.
  • More changes to support recent updates to the Windows 10 operating system.
11/15/17 Release Version 1.17.11B
  • Added workarounds to correct errors caused by the Microsoft Fall update to Windows 10 computers. (Windows 10 Version 1709)
10/24/17 Release Version 1.17.10C
  • More improvements to the 'MPS' handheld ticket system in the 'Parking Program'.
10/13/17 Release Version 1.17.10B+
  • Added logic to catch errors caused by very long paragraphs in form letters.
10/12/17 Release Version 1.17.10B
  • Fixed a problem with entering 'Zip+4' zip codes without first clearing the entry field.
10/05/17 Release Version 1.17.10A
  • Improvements to the 'MPS' handheld ticket writing system in the 'Parking Program'.
09/14/17 Release Version 1.17.09B
  • More clean-up of the '160.59' seal type..
08/21/17 Release Version 1.17.08D
  • Added the ability to seal criminal convictions under CPL 160.59. There are now 7 seal types:
            '0' = Dismissal (160.50)
            '5' = Reduced (160.55)
            '8' = Drug Court Seal (160.58)
            '9' = Sealed Conviction (160.59)
            'F' = Family Court Removal (725.15)
            'Y' = YO (CPL-720)
            'E' = Apparently Eligible Youth CPL 160.59 will be effective Oct 7, 2017.
  • Changes to allow entry of certain TRACS tickets with ticket numbers that have a leading zero.
            ('0MR1234567' is now considered valid.)
08/15/17 Release Version 1.17.08C
  • Changes to support 'Central Arraignment Parts' in each of the Counties across NY State. These features will be enabled on a County by County basis in the near future.
  • Added ability to override the automatic deposit date settings for credit card payments.
07/18/17 Release Version 1.17.07C
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files" published 7/17/2017.
07/11/17 Release Version 1.17.07A
  • New features have been added to the print drivers to simplify and speed-up development of new letters and reports.
06/20/17 Release Version 1.17.06C
  • Improved support for adjournment date prompts based on selected adjournment codes.
06/13/17 Release Version 1.17.06B
  • Added new support for adjournment date prompts based on selected adjournment codes.
06/07/17 Release Version 1.17.06A+
  • Added support for a 'Merged Cases Report' to list all merged cases by date range.
06/06/17 Release Version 1.17.06A
  • Added ability to set Credit Card bank and deposit dates to 'Estimated Deposit Date' independent of the nCourt ePayment value.
05/31/17 Release Version 1.17.05E
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files".
  • Added a 'Non-Case' button to the case search screen to simplify finding 'Adjustment', 'Copies Made', 'Misc Civil Fee' & 'Parking Payments' cases.
05/26/17 Release Version 1.17.05D
  • Added ability to block printing of receipts for those courts that only use preprinted bound receipts.
05/25/17 Release Version 1.17.05D
  • 'Due Dates' on letters can now automatically avoid holidays or weekends.
05/23/17 Release Version 1.17.05C
  • Fixed a problem with creating the 'DMV Report Disk' that was caused in version 1.17.05B.
05/19/17 Release Version 1.17.05B
  • Credit Card Payments now properly reflect the Judge's 'nCourt Bank Date' choice.
05/04/17 Release Version 1.17.05A
  • Changes to better support 'FTP' file transfer operations.
04/12/17 Release Version 1.17.04B
  • Improvements to 'Handheld Parking Ticket' systems.
  • Changes to better support importing tickets from 'Impact Software'
04/05/17 Release Version 1.17.04A
  • Archived letters are not accessible on sealed cases with out special password rights.
  • Added the ORI number for the Painted Post VJ.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed some courts to set the index_no incorrectly.
03/24/17 Release Version 1.17.03D
  • Updates to the 'Tip Of The Day' function to allow navigation to previous/next tips and also allows printing tips.
  • Added an option to print custom labels from a calendar list.
         REPORTS ->
            CALENDARS ->
03/08/17 Release Version 1.17.03A
  • Changes to support the 'ComPlus' handheld ticket writing system in the 'Parking Program'.
02/23/17 Release Version 1.17.02D
  • Added the 'Boiler Plate' insert function to the Prompt for Reason that appears when voiding deleting, or transferring records in the 'Secure Version' of the program.
02/17/17 Release Version 1.17.02C+
  • Corrected a problem where the incorrect receipt number was prompted while printing receipts for payments when a partial payment was already paid using a credit card reader.
  • Added the ORI number for the Rochester Town Police Department to the Ulster County agency list.
02/14/17 Release Version 1.17.02C
  • Added support for Credit Card Payments for civil cases.
02/02/17 Release Version 1.17.02A
  • Added a new work around for firewalls that were blocking access to the DMV PREED registration searches.
01/03/17 Release Version 1.17.01A
  • Date lookup fixes for new year, includes 2017 holidays.
11/30/16 Release Version 1.16.11E
  • Added a new function to compute future dates that counts only valid work days.
             GetFutureWorkDay(StartDate, Days2Skip)
11/18/16 Release Version 1.16.11C
  • Fixed a problem with the 'COPY' watermark failing to print in some secure courts on duplicate receipts.
  • Additional fixes to the problems with downloading nCourt payments.
11/08/16 Release Version 1.16.11B
  • Changes were made to the eTicket form (form #655) to properly identify 'BICYCLE' violations.
11/03/16 Release Version 1.16.11A
  • Fixed a problem that was blocking nCourt payments on some courts.
10/31/16 Release Version 1.16.10E
  • Updated database structures for improved tracking of credit card payments.
10/28/16 Release Version 1.16.10D+
  • Additional support for 'Local Law Fees' when paid through nCourt.
10/25/16 Release Version 1.16.10D
  • Added additional support for setting-up credit card machines.
  • Added improved support for 'Local Law Fees'.
10/13/16 Release Version 1.16.10B
  • Fixed a problem with the codes in drop-down lists being out of order.
10/04/16 Release Version 1.16.10A
  • Includes a new version of the 'On-Line Help Manual'. The new version opens properly under 'Windows 10'.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause the 'Last Modified' date and user initials to display incorrectly when editing the charge records on multi-charge cases.
09/29/16 Release Version 1.16.09D
  • Added an option for PREED passwords and IDs to be unique for each operator. This is the preferred setup according to DMV. (Each user should have their own login credentials for PREED.)
09/20/16 Release Version 1.16.09B
  • Added fully integrated support for Credit Card readers. Card readers run through the USB port on your computer and do not require a dedicated phone line. All types of Credit Cards as well as 'Apple Pay' & 'Android Pay' can be accepted.
09/12/16 Release Version 1.16.09A+
  • Fixed a problem with DMV_Call look-up of names from Motorist ID. Addresses with city names exceeding 15 characters improperly recorded the state name.
09/08/16 Release Version 1.16.09A
  • Added a new list of Court Clerks provided by the NY State Association of Magistrates Court Clerks.
  • Updated the web link for the eJustice Portal Log-in to ""
08/18/16 Release Version 1.16.08C+
  • Improvements to the notes 'Boiler Plate' insert function to allow more than 15 options.
08/16/16 Release Version 1.16.08C
  • Corrected an error that left CDR records active after deleting a case, if the case was the last one entered before the delete.
  • Preliminary support for the new DWI secondary sentence codes was added. The Drinking Driver Program (DDP) will soon be renamed to the 'Impaired Driver Program'.
08/09/16 Release Version 1.16.08B
  • Fixed an error that allowed some invalid parking disposition codes to be entered.
07/19/16 Release Version 1.16.07C
  • Fixed a problem with parking transfers.
07/14/16 Release Version 1.16.07B+
  • Fixed a problem that could block data transfers due to recent 'Windows' updates. This may have caused transfers problems to/from DMV, OCA, and nCourt.
07/11/16 Release Version 1.16.07B
  • Changes to enable the latest feature in the parking program to support nCourt paymants for out-of state plates without driver name information.
07/07/16 Release Version 1.16.07A
  • Additional updates to support the 'CHARMS' ticket import system used in Erie County.
06/10/16 Release Version 1.16.06B
  • Enabled a secondary update server to cover times when the primary server is not available.
06/02/16 Release Version 1.16.06A
  • The VPASS server at DMV has reached 'End Of Life'. DMV_Call has been rewritten to connect to the 'COMPASS' server at DMV.
05/27/16 Release Version 1.16.05D
  • Improvements to the notes 'Boiler Plate' insert function.
05/13/16 Release Version 1.16.05B
  • Added ability to position cursor within boiler plate text added to notes.
05/06/16 Release Version 1.16.05A
  • Added ability to define and insert boiler plate text into notes.
04/06/16 Release Version 1.16.04A
  • Improved the 'Municipal Parking Services' (MPS) Parking meter system interface to avoid dropped sessions.
03/25/16 Release Version 1.16.03D
  • Restored the Ctrl-Shift-P Parkway Indicator Toggle that was disabled in version 1.16.03B.
03/18/16 Release Version 1.16.03C+
  • Added a button to the end of the last name field on the 'Add Case' and 'Bail Utility' screens. The button works the same as the "Name Lookup' button on these screens. The button was added to help remind users to lookup existing names rather than risk entering names multiple times.
  • Fixed a problem on secure courts that allowed some user actions to take place after a login session timed out.
03/14/16 Release Version 1.16.03C
  • Speed-up changes made in version 1.16.03B
03/11/16 Release Version 1.16.03B+
  • Added additional support for Non-Handicap Parking Surcharges. Records with total surcharge amounts greater than $999 are split into multiple records that match the 'Justice Court Fund' transfer file specifications.
03/10/16 Release Version 1.16.03B
  • New laws dictionary provided by NY State DCJS. This posting includes the most recent changes and additions to the "DCJS Coded laws files".
03/03/16 Release Version 1.16.03A
  • Added ability to save the history of case related forms.
02/29/16 Release Version 1.16.02D
  • Added ability to recover deleted parking tickets.
02/25/16 Release Version 1.16.02C
  • Added new options for 'Parking Amnesty' programs.
02/04/16 Release Version 1.16.02A
  • Changes to support an updated backup server.
01/28/16 Release Version 1.16.01D+
  • Fixed a problem with PREED and DMV_Call locating the local IP address from the SEi servers.
01/25/16 Release Version 1.16.01D
  • Additional updates to support the 'CHARMS' ticket import system used in Erie County.
01/05/16 Release Version 1.16.01A
  • Date lookup fixes for new year.
12/29/15 Release Version 1.15.12D
  • Additional support for Credit Card readers.
12/15/15 Release Version 1.15.12C
  • Fixed a problem with sending letters from the TRACs ticket import screen.
  • More improvements for Credit Card Reader support.
  • More improvements for printing on 'Windows 10' computers
12/09/15 Release Version 1.15.12B
  • Fix a problem with invalid license expiration dates on imported TRACS tickets.
12/02/15 Release Version 1.15.12A
  • Fix problem with payment screen.
11/30/15 Release Version 1.15.11E
  • Improved handling of imported 'Parkway' speeding violations.
11/24/15 Release Version 1.15.11D
  • Corrected a printing error that caused some image files to be saved inverted to .PDF documents on Windows 10 computers.
11/02/15 Release Version 1.15.11A
  • Corrected ORI numbers based on information from DCJS.
  • Added additional parking ticket import support.
10/07/15 Release Version 1.15.10A
  • More improvements for Credit Card Reader support.
09/25/15 Release Version 1.15.09C
  • New laws dictionary provided by the State. This posting includes the latest changes and additions to the laws file issued 09/24/2015.
08/27/15 Release Version 1.15.08D
  • Fixed 'Date-Of-Birth' error on TRACS tickets for drivers over 90 years old.
  • Updated to support Windows-10.
08/20/15 Release Version 1.15.08C
  • Limited 'DMV Auto Reporting' to block auto-reporting of charges with invalid ticket numbers and penal law charges.
08/12/15 Release Version 1.15.08B
  • Changes to the prompts on the 'Edit DMV Data' screen for report type 'P' 'Suspension Pending Prosecution'. ('Type of hardship license' was changed to 'Suspension type').
  • Added a new list of Court Clerks provided by the NY State Association of Magistrates Court Clerks. Also added the ability to filter clerks by Judicial District.
08/07/15 Release Version 1.15.08A
  • Improved support for Credit Card Readers.
07/30/15 Release Version 2.15.7E
  • Added new fields for AutoFill of DMV records.
07/29/15 Release Version 1.15.07D+
  • Set the default for the 'Attempted Flag' on cases to false if a charge is reduced at disposition.
  • Fixed a problem with civil case dispositions caused in Version 1.15.07D.
07/20/15 Release Version 1.15.07D
  • Added an option to Auto Create the DMV Disposition records. UTILITY-> USER DEFAULTS -> AUTOFILL DMV ON DISPOS This will automatically fill in the basic fields on the DMV disposition screen. You should still review the information for accuracy before sending the disposition information to DMV.
07/14/15 Release Version 1.15.07B+
  • Added additional support for exporting report data to an Excel Spreadsheet.
07/13/15 Release Version 1.15.07B
  • Added support for the Buffalo Traffic Violations Agency to handle Credit Card Readers for multiple cashier locations.
07/09/15 Release Version 1.15.07A
  • Added new support for Credit Card readers.
06/22/15 Release Version 1.15.06C
  • Fixes import of tickets from the 'NewWorld' Police Program.
06/03/15 Release Version 1.15.06A
  • Added additional automation to the new Auto-Mail Service.
05/31/15 Release Version 1.15.05F
  • Added an option to user defaults to automatically avoid adjournments to holidays or weekends.
  • Added Support for SEi Auto-Mail Service. With this service bulk or mass mailings can be printed and mailed through SEi with significant savings in labor and production costs. Call SEi for further information.
05/06/15 Release Version 1.15.05A
  • Added ability to update the prosecutor name on cases when mass adjourning a calendar list.
  • Added an option to block all scoff cases from nCourt.
04/29/15 Release Version 1.15.04D+
  • Added improved support for 'QR Code' symbols in form letters and reports.
  • Fixed AC-1030 problem with reporting Bail Forfeit and fines on the same month. (It was showing as an overpayment since version 1.15.04A.)
04/24/15 Release Version 1.15.04D
  • Improved co-defendant support on letters for civil cases. All co-defendants names can now appear in the text body on each letter.
04/16/15 Release Version 1.15.04C
  • Fixed a problem with editing passwords. You can no longer delete all the passwords in the system.
04/09/15 Release Version 1.15.04B
  • Fixed an error that occured when editing the payee while returning 'Other' funds.
04/06/15 Release Version 1.15.04A
  • Fixed the Secure version login screen so it will not interrupt other running programs.
  • Changed the way scoff-lift fees paid with two forms of payment are reported on the AC-1030. (Payments are now combined on a single line.)
03/03/15 Release Version 1.15.03A
  • Update to better support some courts converting from competitive systems.
  • Minor updates to the 'Laws Dictionary' to match the laws used in city courts. This posting includes the latest changes and additions to the State laws file issued 12/23/2014.
02/18/15 Release Version 1.15.02B
  • Fixed a problem with CDRs not reporting DWI 2 year probation sentences consistently.
01/14/15 Release Version 1.15.01A
  • Added support for conversions from CompuCourt.
12/09/14 Release Version 1.14.12B
  • Minor changes to support transferring data to The Parking Program.
12/03/14 Release Version 1.14.12A
  • Added changes requested by DMV to limit any non- alphanumeric characters in ticket numbers in the DMV transfer files.
11/14/14 Release Version 1.14.11B
  • Added support for the 'Municipal Parking Services' (MPS) Parking meter system.
10/24/14 Release Version 1.14.10D
  • More improvements to print drivers.
  • Fixed a problem with archive letter dates.
10/08/14 Release Version 1.14.10A
  • Updated the link to the new UCS Outlook mail system;
          HELP ->
             WEB-SITE LINKS ->
             Unified Court System eMail (Outlook Web Access)
09/24/14 Release Version 1.14.09D
  • Fixed a problem with the print drivers that was causing a print error in several courts.
09/17/14 Release Version 1.14.09C
  • Added a link to the Court Clerks Web-site on the Help menu.
09/05/14 Release Version 1.14.09B
  • A recent update to Adobe Acrobat caused problems with the 'Arial Fonts' used in many of the forms and letters produced by the program. This release contains a workaround for this font problem.
09/03/14 Release Version 1.14.09A
  • New laws dictionary provided by the State. This posting includes the latest changes and additions to the laws file issued 07/24/2014.
08/29/14 Release Version 1.14.08D
  • Added agency number 'NY1030101' for NYSP Kirkwood in Broome County.
  • Added the ability to print TRACS Tickets for cases from a 'Calendar List';
         REPORTS ->
             CALENDARS ->
08/26/14 Release Version 1.14.08C+
  • Fixed a problem with Bold and Underline commands in form letters that resulted from changes in version 1.14.08C.
08/22/14 Release Version 1.14.08C
  • Several improvements to assist merging data from dissolved courts into new courts.
  • Updated the 'On-Line Help Manual' file.
  • Updated the 'Tip of The Day' file.
08/15/14 Release Version 1.14.08B
  • Added the ability to 'Archive' copies of letters and forms 'Emailed' from the program as if they were printed. To enable this feature go to:
            UTILITY -> USER DEFAULTS and enter a 0, 1, or 2 in 'Archive Email'
             0 = Disable Email Archive
             1 = Enable Email Archive
             2 = Close the preview screen after an Email
07/28/14 Release Version 1.14.07D
  • Added improved support for Epson TM-220 receipt printers.
  • Changes to improve support for the 'CiteZone' handheld ticket writing system in the 'Parking Program'.
06/24/14 Release Version 1.14.06C+
  • Fixed problem with printing 'Mailing Labels'.
06/23/14 Release Version 1.14.06C
  • Corrected a problem where notes were lost when merging cases.
  • Changes to speed-up backups of the letter archive.
06/02/14 Release Version 1.14.06A
  • Fixes to 'DMV_Call' to reflect the elimination of dial-up support by DMV.
05/07/14 Release Version 1.14.05A
  • Fix added to the 'Secure Version' to allow setting the 'Clear Bank' field on checkbook records without triggering a new receipt number.
04/30/14 Release Version 1.14.04E
  • New laws dictionary provided by the State. This posting includes the latest changes and additions to the laws file issued 04/23/2014.
04/24/14 Release Version 1.14.04D
  • Added support for the 'CiteZone' handheld ticket writing system to the 'Parking Program'.
  • Updated version of the online help manual included.
04/04/14 Release Version 1.14.04A
  • Corrected a problem with receipt numbers being issued on old checkbook records in the 'Secure Version' of the program.
03/28/14 Release Version 1.14.03D
  • Added the ability to view deleted ChkBook Records in courts running the 'Secure Version' of the program.
  • Fixed an error on some computers that prevented editing case comments.
  • Fixed receipt logic for secure courts to not issue receipts for 'Copies Made' and 'Adjustment' records.
  • Fixed a problem where receipt numbers were being issued for bail refund checks that were written.
03/20/14 Release Version 1.14.03C
  • Increased the speed of Laws Updates.
03/10/14 Release Version 1.14.03B
  • Probation periods of two years are now permitted on certain misdemeanor cases pursuant to the new legislation passed in January of this year and effective on 2/10/2014.
02/24/14 Release Version 1.14.02D
  • Corrected an error when updating user passwords on new courts.
01/27/14 Release Version 1.14.01D
  • Added the CDR Code for the Suffolk County TPVA to the transfer court list for Suffolk County courts.
01/16/14 Release Version 1.14.01B+
  • Fixed a problem with Parking Tickets not loading to nCourt if the new ticket number was a substring of an exiting ticket number.
01/15/14 Release Version 1.14.01B
  • Updated Military time translations to accept 3 digit formats.
12/06/13 Release Version 1.13.12A
  • Corrected an error with 'Jury Management' that prevented editing name records.
11/26/13 Release Version 1.13.11D
  • New laws dictionary provided by the State. This posting includes the latest changes and additions to the laws file issued 11/07/2013. (Several changes to VTL 511 laws)
11/14/13 Release Version 1.13.11B+
  • Added logic to work around slow network updates that are causing duplicate receipt numbers in a few courts.
10/15/13 Release Version 1.13.10B
  • Fixed a very old problem with zip code lookup on civil plaintiffs. (Lookup by name failed to locate the correct zip.)
10/10/13 Release Version 1.13.10A
  • Further updates to the scanner option to improve speed and storage size.
09/30/13 Release Version 1.13.09E
  • Added support for standardized titles on scanned documents.
09/19/13 Release Version 1.13.09C
  • Updates to scanner option to improve speed.
09/04/13 Release Version 1.13.09A
  • This update includes the initial release of the 'Scanning Option Update' of The CourtRoom Program.
             Attach scan documents to cases.
             List scanned documents along with archived
             forms and letters.
             Print and/or view scanned documents directly
             from each case.
             Backup scanned documents automatically.
             Scans saved as standard 'PDF' files.
             Additional information on this optional
             upgrade will be sent to the courts in the
             next few weeks.
  • New laws dictionary provided by the State. This posting includes the latest changes and additions to the laws on imitation controlled substances and assault weapons.
08/30/13 Release Version 1.13.08D+
  • Fixed an additional problem with computing age on AEYO VTL tickets where the age field on the ticket was not coded properly.
08/28/13 Release Version 1.13.08D
  • CDRs were being sent to OCA prematurely because the "Next Report date" field was automatically filled-in when the CDR was first created. The Report Date must now be manually entered. (Remember: Today's date can be entered in a blank date field by just hitting the '+' or the '-' keys!)
08/16/13 Release Version 1.13.08C+
  • Added ability to purge old cases.
08/15/13 Release Version 1.13.08C
  • Downloaded misdemeanor eTickets for AEYO cases have not been properly marked as AYEO due to a missing 'AGE' field in the States XML eTicket. Effective with this release the program determines age based on the DOB and violation date fields to trigger the 'AEYO' status.
  • Sending duplicate letters on the same date for the same case no longer shows on the case history screen.
07/26/13 Release Version 1.13.07D
  • Added a new indicator for 'License Class' to the Case Information Screen. The License Class indicator is just below the 'Motorist ID' field. The indicator is black for class 'D' and class 'M' drivers, red for all other classes.
  • Added a validation check to prevent sending scofflaws to DMV for parking violations.
  • Corrected an error on adjustment records for surcharge fees in excess of $99.00. These now work correctly.
07/10/13 Release Version 1.13.07B
  • Fixed a problem with courts running the 'Secure Version' of the program losing some early payments on partial payment cases.
  • Improved support for nCourt 'Scoff Lift Fee' updates. Some courts were not able to set updates to the SLF on cases.
07/03/13 Release Version 1.13.07A
  • Corrected screen size and disk timing issues with the new Windows 8.1 operating system. The program should now be fully compatible with Windows 8.1.
06/24/13 Release Version 1.13.06D
  • Changes were made to the eTicket form (form #655) to properly reflect appearance requirements in the "Return by mail..." and "Must appear in person..." check boxes.
05/31/13 Release Version 1.13.05E
  • The new code for reporting a "Duplicate Ticket" on the UT-20 was enabled. This is reason code '9'.
05/09/13 Release Version 1.13.05B
  • Added an option to block moving violation cases from nCourt.
         Check the "BLOCK 'Moving Violations'" check box
         to block moving violations from being sent to
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary provided by the State is included in this update.
             Coded Law file dated 05/07/2013
04/26/13 Release Version 1.13.04D
  • Added an option to block Scoff Lift Fees for VTL 'Fail to Appear' cases from nCourt.
         Check the "BLOCK 'Fail to Appear' SLF" check box
         to block 'Scoff Lift Fees' for cases that have not
         been adjudicated from being sent to nCourt.
04/16/13 Release Version 1.13.04C
  • Added a new search field to the 'Case Search Screen'. You can now search by Motorist ID. This works for both NY and out of state drivers.
  • Corrected the scoff delay timer so it counts from the first business day after a scoff is posted to DMV instead of counting from the day posted. This should fix the problem of defendants who wait until the very last day to pay and the DMV Scoff letter indicates the scoff lift fee is added at 12:01AM on the following day.
04/09/13 Release Version 1.13.04A
  • Overpayments are now always shown on a separate checkbook record.
03/25/13 Release Version 1.13.03D
  • Improved the support for nCourt fine updates.
03/12/13 Release Version 1.13.03B
  • Added additional checks to block the 'DNA Fee Due' indicator for cases that have not been adjudicated and charges that have been dismissed, withdrawn, or waiting for an ACD.
02/21/13 Release Version 1.13.02C
  • Added an option to issue receipt numbers on bail poundage and bail forfeit cases in courts that DO NOT have a separate bail account and are running the secure version of the program.
             UTILITY -> Edit Databases -> Users/Passwords
             Poundage requires a "B" in level 31
             Forfeit requires an "B" in level 33
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary provided by the State is included in this update.
             Coded Law file dated 02/11/2013
02/14/13 Release Version 1.13.02B
  • Corrected a problem with automatic receipt numbers on 'Bail Applied' check book records for courts that DO NOT have a separate bail account and are running the secure version of the program.
             Requires a "B" in password level 32:
             UTILITY -> Edit Databases -> Users/Passwords
02/08/13 Release Version 1.13.02A+
  • Corrected a printing error on Windows 8 machines. The program should now be fully compatible with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
02/07/13 Release Version 1.13.02A
  • Added a new list of Court Clerks provided by the NY State Association of Magistrates Court Clerks.
  • Updates to improve support for Windows-8
01/14/13 Release Version 1.13.01B
  • Cleaned up support for nCourt on old cases.
12/04/12 Release Version 1.12.12A
  • The State Police now write 'eTickets' that do not end in "SP". This was causing the following error when reporting dispositions to DMV: "State Police NCIC Number does not match the ticket number" The test for NCIC numbers matching ticket numbers has been removed from the program.
11/27/12 Release Version 1.12.11E
  • 'Mass Transfer' of cases was not transferring the DMV records for cases previously reported to DMV as 'SCOFFED'. This is now corrected.
11/26/12 Release Version 1.12.11D
  • Added new ORI code for Seneca Falls Town Police.
  • Cleaned up support for DNA fees through nCourt.
11/15/12 Release Version 1.12.11C
  • Fixed a problem with 'Bail Applied' payments showing with blank receipt numbers in some courts.
11/09/12 Release Version 1.12.11B
  • Corrected a barcode reader error that was caused in version 1.12.10B.
11/02/12 Release Version 1.12.11A
  • The program now ignors case numbers on parking payments made through nCourt. This will eliminate the missing payment errors
10/11/12 Release Version 1.12.10B
  • Barcode case searches are now recorded in the "Previous Searches" and "Same Case" logs.
09/26/12 Release Version 1.12.09D
  • Fixed the error caused by release 1.12.09C that locked most courts out of access to nCourt.
09/21/12 Release Version 1.12.09C
  • Corrected an error that caused some cases to fail to automatically update the DMV Transfer record from 'FNC' to 'PAID' when paid through nCourt. Now any case set to code '23' will be updated to '13' and cases set to code '24' will be updated automatically to '4' when the nCourt payment is received.
  • Added a line to the nCourt 'Payment Listing Report' to flag payments that include a Scoff Lift Fee.
09/19/12 Release Version 1.12.09B
  • Added support for same sex marriages. Three forms were also updated:
            604 - Same sex ceremony
            606 - Wedding listing
            607 - Traditional ceremony
  • Updated the eJustice Portal Log-In link to:
08/24/12 Release Version 1.12.08D
  • DNA Fees now transfer correctly to nCourt for all PL adjudications dated 08/01/12 and later. (PL 221.10-01 does not reflect the DNA fee!)
08/16/12 Release Version 1.12.08C
  • Added CDR Disposition Codes for cases involving Domestic Violence:
          CONVDV -- Convicted
          PG-DV -- Plead Guilty
          TFG-DV -- Tried and Found Guilty
07/27/12 Release Version 1.12.07D
  • At the request of DMV the 'unknown zip code' on DMV records was changed to 00000. The old default of 99999 caused a conflict with some zipcodes in Alaska.
  • Several changes to further improve DMV transfers and reduce errors caused by NCIC and law code errors.
06/21/12 Release Version 1.12.06D
  • Updated the ORI numbers for Ellicottville Town Police and Ellicottville Village Constables.
  • Added an option to select ORI numbers for all police agencies in an adjoining county while doing the update process. You may still elect to only select the State Police Agency numbers.
06/05/12 Release Version 1.12.06B+
  • Fixed a problem in the 'Secure Version' that could make the 'COPY' stamp appear on original receipts.
06/05/12 Release Version 1.12.06B
  • Added ability to block individual charges from nCourt. On the Edit Charge screen a "Block nCourt" checkbox was added. Check this new box to block a charge from nCourt.
06/01/12 Release Version 1.12.06A
  • Added additional program safeguards to prevent adding more than 99 charges to a case.
  • Multi-charge cases sent to nCourt now allow unsealed charges to be sent even if there are sealed charges on the case. The program has previously blocked all charges, even if only one was sealed.
  • Multi-charge cases sent to nCourt now allow non-penal law charges to be sent even if there are some penal law charges on the case and the court has elected not to send penal law cases to nCourt. The program has previously blocked all charges, even if only one was a penal law charge.
05/21/12 Release Version 1.12.05D
  • Added an option to set the disposition date for cases paid through nCourt. The disposition date has always defaulted to the date the payment was entered on the nCourt Web Site. The default disposition date may now be set to 'Todays Date', 'Estimated Deposit Date', or 'Date Paid'.
05/11/12 Release Version 1.12.05B
  • Corrected an error that prevented deletion of archived letters.
05/10/12 Release Version 1.12.05A
  • Changes made to DMV Transfer file to help eliminate Law Code errors and Officer NCIC errors.
04/30/12 Release Version 1.12.04E
  • Added a new test to the Audit/Control Report sub-menu option; 'Compare Report to Cashbook'. The comparison now also checks for proper use of the 'Deposit' flag in the chkbook records.
  • Implemented a new way of marking cases as 'Scofflawed'. The action code "Scofflawed to State" will still work, however, any case sent to DMV as "Fail to Pay", or as "Fail to Appear" will also show as a scofflaw. A new option on the Judge Edit screen allows you to set the delay for scoff lift fees to attach to the case. Most courts will use 30 to 35 days. Set the delay to -1 to disable this feature.
  • Corrected an error counting the number of cases sent to nCourt with the "Send Unpaid Cases to nCourt" function. The correct cases were always sent, but the case count displayed was not correct.
04/26/12 Release Version 1.12.04D
  • Removed the limit of three (3) automatic backups per week sent to SEi. You can now send automatic backups every day if you wish.
04/11/12 Release Version 1.12.04B
  • Added new support for nCourt fine updates from the Parking Program.
04/05/12 Release Version 1.12.04A
  • Added new support for 'Parking Amnesty' programs.
03/26/12 Release Version 1.12.03E
  • Corrected an error that was incorrectly reported when an nCourt payment closed some of the DMV records.
  • Updated the file structure for archived letters.
03/22/12 Release Version 1.12.03D
  • nCourt payments now close DMV records that were set to 'Fine not collected' (FNC), status.
03/02/12 Release Version 1.12.03A
  • Added an additional over-ride to block the 'DNA Fee' indicator if the fee is not due. Just add the words "" to the case notes.
  • Added a second backup server to cover times when the primary server is not available. This should minimize the posibility of downtime due to equipment failure.
02/25/12 Release Version 1.12.02D
  • Fixed a problem that could cause system lockups when downloading nCourt payments.
  • Added additional logic to the 'DNA Fee' indicator to block the indicator once the fee has been paid.
  • Added a manual over-ride to block the 'DNA Fee' indicator if the fee was paid on another case or in another court. Just add the words "DNA FEE PAID" to the case notes.
02/14/12 Release Version 1.12.02C
  • Several updates to the nCourt interface to remove the possibility of updating a fine amount after it has been paid.
  • Added a 'DNA Fee' warning to the case search screen.
02/09/12 Release Version 1.12.02B
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary provided by the State is included in this update.
             (Coded Law file dated 02/02/2012)
01/23/12 Release Version 1.12.01D
  • Fixed a sorting error on nCourt generated receipts.
01/17/12 Release Version 1.12.01C+
  • Fixed a problem with civil letters. You can now send civil letters to both plaintiff and defendant. This also supports co-defendants.
01/13/12 Release Version 1.12.01C
  • Dismissed charges were not closing properly when the other charges in a case were paid through nCourt. This only affected courts that have elected to report their dismissals after all other charges are paid.
  • The current active judge is now saved when logging off, or when the login session times out. When the same user logs back in, the same active judge will be reset.
01/11/12 Release Version 1.12.01B+
  • Added a background utility to update scoff-lift fees on the nCourt web-site '' for all open cases each time a payment is downloaded.
01/09/11 Release Version 1.12.01B
  • DMV-Call is fixed! A new interface was developed to connect to the modified VPASS server at DMV.
01/05/11 Release Version 1.12.01A
  • Payments for multiple charges paid through nCourt for a single case now show on one receipt.
  • Fixed a problem with editing/viewing notes on a civil case. The left and right arrow keys now move through the text as they do on non-civil cases.
  • DMV-Call is temporarily not able to access the updated VPASS server at DMV. A new interface is expected to be available by Wednesday, 1/11/2012. We apologize for the inconvenience!
12/20/11 Release Version 1.11.12D+
  • Finished the Utility Menu option to "Update Scoff Lift Fees at nCourt".
  • Refined the scofflaw logic so that charges reduced to parking violations are not included in the scoff fee total _unless_ the original charge was eligible for a scofflaw penalty and the scoff penalty was in effect prior to the reduction to a parking violation.
12/16/11 Release Version 1.11.12C
  • Fixed a problem that caused the 'Scoff Lift Fee' calculation to be incorrect on cases that had been set for scoff multiple times.
  • Added a new option to the Audit/Control (AC-1030) menu for reporting 'Unidentified Funds'. The new "Add 'Unidentified Funds' Entry" option will create a new line on the AC-1030 report that you can use to report unidentified funds in a way that will be accepted by Audit and Control.
12/06/11 Release Version 1.11.12B
  • Updated the scofflaw logic so that parking violations are not included in the scoff fee total that is shown as due on scoffed cases.
12/02/11 Release Version 1.11.12A+
  • Fixed a problem that was causing the checkbook 'Report Date' on nCourt payments to revert to the estimated deposit date even when today's date was selected.
12/01/11 Release Version 1.11.12A
  • Added an option to update fines and scoff-fees on the nCourt web-site '' in a background batch mode.
11/29/11 Release Version 1.11.11E+
  • Added an option to the 'Edit Judge Data' screen to allow the court to choose the date to use for nCourt deposits. You may select any one of the following three options: Today's Date. The Date the defendant paid nCourt online. The estimated date the funds will reach your bank.
11/29/11 Release Version 1.11.11E
  • Corrected an error in Judge assignment on checkbook records where the 'All Judges' option is selected on payments received from nCourt.
11/21/11 Release Version 1.11.11D
  • Fixed a problem with automatic receipt numbers on payments received from nCourt.
11/18/11 Release Version 1.11.11C+
  • Fixed a problem introduced in Version 1.11.11C. The system was hanging up when printing a label from the 'Case Information Screen'.
  • Added an option to block Penal Law cases from nCourt. UTILITY -> EDIT DATABASES -> JUDGES -> NCOURT SETUP Uncheck the 'INCLUDE PENAL LAW' check box to block cases that include Penal Law misdemeanors. This only blocks cases with misdemeanor PL charges. Cases with only PL violations are still sent to nCourt.
11/16/11 Release Version 1.11.11C
  • Fixed an old problem with receipt validations, this should help eliminate any duplicate receipt numbers from being issued.
  • Added support for capturing eMail addresses on nCourt payments.
11/14/11 Release Version 1.11.11B+
  • Added new tests for validating payments received from nCourt.
11/08/11 Release Version 1.11.11B
  • Fixed a problem with error messages when importing an empty payment report from nCourt.
11/04/11 Release Version 1.11.11A++
  • Corrected a problem separating on-line payments when one Judge uses automatic receipt numbers and another Judge uses receipts that are hand written.
11/03/11 Release Version 1.11.11A+
  • Corrected a problem with batch printing receipts for payments received on-line.
11/01/11 Release Version 1.11.11A
  • This release supports the fully automatic transfer of adjudicated, unpaid cases to the nCourt website for the on-line payment of fines, surcharges and scofflaw fees. You can elect to send only VTL, Parking or Penal Law charges. Only adjudicated unpaid cases are sent to nCourt for payment, sealed cases are never sent. Contact SEi for further information, or to get instructions for activating this new free feature!
10/21/11 Release Version 1.11.10C
  • Fixed a problem where date clipboard information was lost when a login session timed out.
09/13/11 Release Version 1.11.09C+
  • Corrected an error message that was displayed when entering disposition data on a civil case.
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary provided by the State is included in this update.
             (Coded Law file dated 08/24/2011)
09/12/11 Release Version 1.11.09C
  • Corrected a data error message that was displayed when transferring bail from one case to another.
09/07/11 Release Version 1.11.09B
  • Added support for Co-Defendants on civil cases. More work remains to be done to simplify sending letters to Co-Defendants, this feature will be included in the next update.
  • Fixed a problem with cases reported on the AC-1030 report from the 'Enter Disposition Info' screen when the 'Report Date' field was blanked out. Now, if you leave both the 'Charge Closed' field on the first tab and the 'Report Date' field on the second tab blank, the case will not be reported.
09/02/11 Release Version 1.11.09A
  • Added validations for bail transfers to ensure that the transfers only go to valid case numbers.
08/30/11 Release Version 1.11.08E
  • Fixed a problem with the preview function for forms and letters imported from the SEi web-site. Letters and forms can now be previewed and imported without first exiting back to the edit screen.
  • Fixed a problem with missing cases when importing a Calendar list into DMV_Call. The problem seemed to only occur when the first charge on a case was not a 'VTL' charge.
08/08/11 Release Version 1.11.08B+
  • More fixes to the file header on AC-1030 reports with adjustment records. This should fix the remaining error messages on reports that include adjustment records.
08/05/11 Release Version 1.11.08A+
  • Added an option to save the audit report to two disk locations at the same time. You can now make an archive copy of the report on your local hard drive and on a USB drive at the same time.
  • At the request of the Justice Court Fund, the sum of all adjustment records for each month was added to the file header on the disk file for the audit report (AC-1030). This should eliminate the error messages on reports that include adjustment records.
08/01/11 Release Version 1.11.08A
  • Added the new web address for 'The Justice Court Fund Internet Report system'. This is the website to use after 8/1/2011 for submitting your monthly audit reports (AC-1030).
07/19/11 Release Version 1.11.07D
  • Fixed a problem with 'Adjustment Records' on the AC-1030 report. Records with negative surcharge amounts greater than $-99.99 will not fit in the Justice Court Fund transfer file. The new method will break any large negative values into -99.00 blocks. Example: A $-195,00 surcharge adjustment will now be reported as two separate adjustments one for $-99.00 and one for $-96.00.
07/07/11 Release Version 1.11.07B
  • The backup encryption key is now displayed on the 'Court Information' screen.
  • Fixed a problem with dashes ('-') and underscores ('_') in automatic receipt numbers.
06/21/11 Release Version 1.11.06D
  • Corrected a problem with saving suspension date and status on 'Pending Prosecution' reports to DMV.
05/16/11 Release Version 1.11.05C
  • Corrected several problems with screen resizing.
  • Corrected a problem with receipts issued on dismissed charges when "RECEIPTS ON DISMISSALS" is set to 'NO'.
05/10/11 Release Version 1.11.05B
  • Added the ability to have the same automatic receipt number assigned to a fine payment and 'State Fees' on the same case. Please call SEi if you would like to know more about this option.
          Requires an "S" in password level 35:
             UTILITY -> Edit Databases -> Users/Passwords
05/05/11 Release Version 1.11.05A
  • New option for setting 'Fancy Buttons'. The color and style for buttons can now be set on the 'User Default' screen.
            UTILITY -> USER DEFAULTS -> BUTTON COLOR Buttons can be set to red, yellow, blue, or green.
  • When more than 10 letters are sent on a case the history of the oldest letters was not saved. Now the older letter history is saved in the case notes.
  • Added ability to print 'ALERTS' on calendars if alerts exist on defendant names.
04/07/11 Release Version 1.11.04B
  • Fixed a problem with printing receipts on multiple charge cases with automatic receipt numbers.
  • Corrected a problem with assigning receipt numbers for dismissed charges. This is an option in the 'Secure Version' of the program.
04/01/11 Release Version 1.11.04A
  • Removed the "COPY" stamp that had been appearing on receipts.
  • Several changes to simplify the process of merging the data files of multiple courts together. Several Town and Village Courts have recently merged to form a single Court.
03/30/11 Release Version 1.11.03E
  • Corrected a problem with setting new passwords in courts with more than 15 users.
03/21/11 Release Version 1.11.03D
  • This update includes the initial release of the 'Security Upgrade Version' of The CourtRoom Program.
             Secure Receipt Numbers
             Tracking of lost receipts
             Support for 'Voided' receipts
             Transaction based record locking
             Secure Passwords
             Each user can update their own password
             Expanded access levels based on password
             Several new auditing reports
             'Excel' spreadsheet auditing reports
             Annual Reports for the Town/Village boards
             Audit assistance
             Additional information on this optional
             upgrade will be sent to the courts next
  • Fixed a problem with some computers showing very small fonts on the 'Case Search' screen.
  • Added new option based on login name to force 'Payment Amount' to default to 0 on all payment screens.
  • Fixed a problem with backups sent to SEI from courts running separate judges on one machine.
03/18/11 Release Version 1.11.03C
  • Fixed a problem with backing up to floppy disks in drive A: or B:. For the courts still using these older disk formats, you should consider using the newer 'Flash Drives' for backup. The flash drives are very inexpensive and a hundred times faster than floppy disks. Please call SEi if you would like to know more about this subject.
03/10/11 Release Version 1.11.03B+
  • Fixed a problem with sending letters from the 'Request Adjournment' screen this was caused by the changes in the new security features.
03/10/11 Release Version 1.11.03B
  • Changes to support the new 'Security Upgrade Version' of The CourtRoom Program. This new program will be released later this month and will include many new security and auditing features. Information on the optional upgrade to this new program will be sent to the courts in the next few weeks.
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary provided by the State is included in this update.
             (Coded Law file dated 12/30/2011)
         This edition of the dictionary includes changes and additions to the Penal Law, and V&T Law including the new "Ambrose-Searles move over act" (VTL 1144-A).
02/07/11 Release Version 1.11.02A
  • Changed the CDR validations for 'Family Offenses'. According to OCA; PG-F, CONV-F, and TFG-F may only be used for violations of PL-240.26 Harassment 2nd, all other 'Family Offenses' use the PG, CONV, and TFG codes.
01/05/11 Release Version 1.11.01A+
  • Fixed a problem with date validations. Dates over 18 months in the future, or too far in the past were not validated properly.
  • Ticket number validations were not working properly for duplicate ticket numbers.
01/03/11 Release Version 1.11.01A
  • Fixed a number of problems with screen resize logic.
  • Updated the 'Clerks Database' to include the latest information we have received from the State Clerks Association 'NYSAMCC'.
12/29/10 Release Version 1.10.12E+
  • Fixed a problem with duplicate ticket numbers locking the program and requiring a reboot.
12/27/10 Release Version 1.10.12E
  • Added a 'Mass Bail Transfer' option to transfer all outstanding bail money from one Judge to another. This utility adds two checkbook records to each case with outstanding bail. The first record transfers the bail out of the old Judge's account. The second record deposits the bail in the new Judge's account. Please call SEi for assistance with this new option.
12/22/10 Release Version 1.10.12D
  • Fixed a problem with the 'Select Letters' screen. A single 'ENTER' key stroke now sends the letter.
  • Corrected an error where the charge description was lost when entering speed information on VTL 1180D charges.
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary provided by the State is included in this update.
             (Coded Law file dated 11/10/2010)
11/17/10 Release Version 1.10.11C+
  • Fixed several screen display problems introduced in Version 1.10.11B.
11/12/10 Release Version 1.10.11B
  • Several changes to support the audit trail features to be included in the new 'Audit Reports Package' to be released later this year.
  • Updates to support the offsite backup server move from our old office in Penfield, NY to the new office in Victor, NY. The new SEi office location is:
             Service Education, Inc.
             790 Canning Parkway - Suite 1
             Victor, NY 14564 The phone number remains: (585)264-9240
          The new FAX number is: (585)924-2379
09/16/10 Release Version 1.10.09C
  • Increased the timeout period for downloading updates. This should reduce the errors caused while updating on very slow internet connections.
  • Corrected a problem identifying Jr speed violators and School Zone Speed violations.
09/07/10 Release Version 1.10.09A
  • Updated the validation tests for DMV and CDR reporting on Ignition Interlock Device sentences.
  • It is now possible to enter blank times in any time entry field. [Ctrl]+[U] or [Ctrl]+[Y] will blank the field.
08/26/10 Release Version 1.10.08D+
  • Fixed a problem with the transfer file to DMV that was created in version 1.10.08D.
08/23/10 Release Version 1.10.08D
  • Several changes to the logic on the DMV Data screen to support the newest requirements for Ignition Interlock Device (IID) orders:
         Allow an IID order without a sentence of probation.
         Allow an IID order without an order to suspend or
         revoke the drivers license.
  • The CDR IID time is based on DMV_XFER fields.
  • Validation tests have been added based on violation and sentence dates. The IID is mandatory for offenses on or after 11/18/2009 where the sentence is imposed on or after 8/15/2010.
  • Made all the time entry fields more consistent.
08/17/10 Release Version 1.10.08C
  • Added Cash Drawer Support for the Epson TM-U375P PRINTER
  • Several new form letters are available to support the new Leandra's Law and Ignition Interlock requirements.
07/26/10 Release Version 1.10.07D
  • Corrected a problem on the AC-1030 report where the final payment on a case with multiple payments not in whole dollars could be reported as 'PARTIAL'.
  • At the request of DMV, added Class/Catagory/Degree info to non-standard laws on tickets that were not imported as XML tickets. This should reduce some error report entries.
  • Fixed a problem with the CDR edit screen saving changes when 'SAVE CHANGES' was not selected.
06/24/10 Release Version 1.10.06D
  • DMV-Call failed due to changes DMV made to their 'VPASS' web-site in the last day or two. The changes required several internal changes to the way DMV-Call accesses the site.
06/17/10 Release Version 1.10.06C
  • Added ability to reverse the colors on the 'Case Information' screens. The display changes from 'White on Black' to 'Black on White'. This option can be set for each user.
             Use: UTILITY -> USER DEFAULTS
             check 'Reverse Colors'
06/08/10 Release Version 1.10.06B
  • Updated the 'Print Preview' screen to help eliminate the blank grey screen reported by several courts.
05/26/10 Release Version 1.10.05E
  • Fixed another problem with the Plea by Mail Screen. Some dismissed charges were losing the disposition code when sending letters or selecting the DMV Data screen.
05/25/10 Release Version 1.10.05D+
  • Fixed an error with the reset to 'Like New' archived letter option introduced in version 1.10.05D
05/24/10 Release Version 1.10.05D
  • Added the option to delete archived letters when a case is reset to 'Like New' or the courtday record is reset.
05/20/10 Release Version 1.10.05C
  • Fixed a problem on the Plea by Mail Screen. Cases with multiple charges were sometimes loosing the charge speed detail.
  • Scanning barcodes now works while in the 'Calendar View' screens. The barcode function will return to the Calendar View function when completed.
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary provided by the State is included in this update.
             (Coded Law file dated 05/03/2010)
05/11/10 Release Version 1.10.05B
  • The 'Electronic Filing Affidavit' can now be used to report on months with 'No Activity'. Remember each Judge must file an 'Audit Report' with the Justice Court Fund every month, even if there was no money received or no cases were heard.
  • Added new options for courts that do not have criminal or civil jurisdiction to hide the 'Criminal Case' and 'Civil Case' options while adding new cases.
  • Reduced the size of the 'Preview Screen' back to the size it was before version 1.10.04C.
05/03/10 Release Version 1.10.05A
  • Fixed a problem with printer margins introduced with version 1.10.4D.
04/27/10 Release Version 1.10.04D
  • Added an option for adding custom text and subject lines to emails sent from the print preview screen.
  • Added better support for reporting 'Civil Judgment Filed' dispositions to Justice Court Fund. Add a disposition code for 'Civil Judgment Filed' and use that code for disposition. Set the fines as usual, but do not show any payment when closing the case. The case will show as closed with the fines and surcharges still due. If the fines are later paid, Use the 'Fine/Fee Payment' option.
  • Changed the 'Plea-By-Mail' logic so that charges that have been dismissed, (or DOP) using the 'Plea-By-Mail' screen will not show a date in the 'Sentence Date' field.
04/14/10 Release Version 1.10.04C
  • The problems with PDF support have finally been resolved! The ability to save and eMail all reports and letters as 'PDF' files has been restored.
  • Fixed a problem with the missing 'FAMILY_OFF' field that affected only a few courts.
04/05/10 Release Version 1.10.04A
  • Fixed a problem for the very few courts that report eDispos to DMV but DO NOT download XML Tickets.
03/23/10 Release Version 1.10.03D
  • Added support for two new actions available on the DMV edisposition records. UT-20 information and Transfers to another court can now be reported electronically.
  • Support for reporting 'Ignition Interlock Orders' has been added to the DMV edisposition records.
  • Changes were made to the eTicket form (form #655) to support the new Felony DWI charges that can now be sent for 'Tracking Purposes Only'. When a felony is shown on the eticket, the eticket is no longer an accusatory instrument, it is a 'court tracking document' only.
  • A new edition of the Justice Court Fund 'Handbook for Town and Village Justices and Court Clerks' has been added to the 'Help Menu'.
  • Added support for family relationships on family offense CDRs.
  • Added The ability to record eMail addresses, cell phone numbers or other information to attorney and officer records.
  • A 'NewsNotes' section has been added to the SEi website. This new area contains the latest news letter from SEi. Information about recently added and revised letters and forms is included in the news letter. While you are on the website remember to check the 'Meetings' page for information about upcoming users group meetings in your area.
  • Several changes to support purging of old cases that have reached their records retention limits. This feature will be available in the next release.
01/28/10 Release Version 1.10.01D
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary provided by the State is included in this update.
             (Coded Law file dated 01/19/2010)
  • Added three new CDR disposition codes. These codes are to be used only for cases involving harassment in the second degree (PL 240.26) where the judge determined that the victim is a member of the same family or household as the defendant. PG-F Plead Guilty - Family TFG-F Tried and Found Guilty - Family CONV-F Convicted (tried and found guilty) - Family
01/04/10 Release Version 1.10.01A
  • Corrected a date error on printed Wedding Ceremonies dated in 2010.
12/30/09 Release Version 1.09.12E
  • Added logic for imported XML Tickets to properly seal AEYO charges.
  • Changed the eJustice Web address (URL) back to the original address since the sites SSL certificate is no longer showing as expired.
12/23/09 Release Version 1.09.12D
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary provided by the State is included in this update.
             (Coded Law file dated 12/21/2009)
         This edition includes changes and additions to the newly updated Penal Law, V&T Law, and Executive Law. Most of these changes involve DWI violations with a child as passenger, ignition interlocks, and the use of portable electronic devices while operating a motor vehicle.
12/08/09 Release Version 1.09.12B
  • Fixed a problem with the remote support software that appeared in version 1.09.12A.
12/03/09 Release Version 1.09.12A
  • Added ability to change Judge's initials on check book records. Call SEi for assistance with this new option.
11/10/09 Release Version 1.09.11B
  • Added 'REG' as a statute that triggers or enables the DMV reporting screens.
11/06/09 Release Version 1.09.11A
  • Enabled the database repair routines to be run for a single database. This will speedup the repairs when required for larger courts.
10/08/09 Release Version 1.09.10A
  • Improved the speed of the backup system.
  • Some other speed enhancements.
09/01/09 Release Version 1.09.09A
  • Added new features to custom forms that will make it possible to add help features to future forms.
08/26/09 Release Version 1.09.08D
  • Fixed an error that was causing some servers on multi- user systems to report:
             "ERROR_2250 - x: is not redirected"
08/19/09 Release Version 1.09.08C
  • Fixed a problem that was preventing some courts from previewing letters.
08/10/09 Release Version 1.09.08B
  • Added some new features to support officer titles on future forms and letters.
  • Cleaned up some problems with backup file names sent to the SEI server.
  • Deleted old unused files from the backup system.
08/02/09 Release Version 1.09.08A
  • Added a new option for automatic backups to SEi. This option will schedule backups to be sent to SEi up to three (3) times a week automatically. If you would like to setup this option, please call SEi for further information.
07/02/09 Release Version 1.09.07A
  • Added additional information on the 'Case Information Screen' to show more detail about the laws charged on the case. Hold the mouse over the original charge and a dropdown box will show information from the ticket and the law dictionary.
  • Added a workaroud for some firewalls that were blocking access to the DMV PREED registration searches.
06/15/09 Release Version 1.09.06C
  • Added support for the new scoff lift fees. This will display the correct fees from the 'Case Information Screen'. For fine notices you will need to update to the new version of Letterhead #005. Utility -> Edit Databases -> Forms & Calendars Locate form #5 and do an 'AutoUpdate'.
  • Fixed the 'Drivers Lic Shown' field on eTickets. It was always blank on the old forms, now it reflects the proper response. Utility -> Edit Databases -> Forms & Calendars Locate form #655 and do an 'AutoUpdate'.
06/09/09 Release Version 1.09.06B
  • Added support for the new Drug Court Seal type. Under CPL 160.58 Drug Courts can now order other courts to seal up to three (3) drug related cases. When you receive a seal order from a Drug Court, use the number '8' to seal under this statute. If you are later ordered to unseal the case simply remove the seal indicator. Remember to resubmit the CDR for the case after each seal/unseal event.
05/27/09 Release Version 1.09.05E
  • More fixes to 'Judge Screen Colors'. Several more screens are now color coded by Judge.
  • Added the names of AEYO and YO sealed cases back to the calendars at the request of OCA.
  • Added ability the to transfer Misc-Civil fees between Judges. It is no longer nessesary to delete and reenter the data on Misc-Civil fees.
  • Updated the 'Clerks Database' to include the latest information we have received from the 'State Clerks Association'.
05/20/09 Release Version 1.09.05D
  • Fixed a problem with screen colors not updating for each Judge correctly.
05/18/09 Release Version 1.09.05C+
  • Update to Parking Module only. Fixes a problem with printing forms.
05/12/09 Release Version 1.09.05C
  • Added support for previewing forms and calendars before downloading them from the SEi web-site.
  • Fixed a problem with losing the eTicket data on separated and combined cases.
  • Added a new Remote Support feature to the 'Help Menu'.
04/22/09 Release Version 1.09.04D
  • Fixed a problem with the AC-1030 Monthly Audit Report. This only affected parking courts reporting over $1000 in surcharges for a single Judge in a single month, on the electronic report to Justice Court Fund.
04/15/09 Release Version 1.09.04A
  • Updated support for 'Alert Flags' on cases.
  • Updated the HTTPS address for DMV plate searches using PREED to match the new address assigned by DMV.
03/31/09 Release Version 1.09.03D
  • Modified the barcode support logic to ignore problems with the new 'Symbol LS-2208' barcode readers. The Symbol LS-2208 is sensitive to the state of the 'Caps Lock' key on the keyboard. With the new changes the barcode readers work regardless of the status of the Caps Lock key.
03/17/09 Release Version 1.09.03C
  • Minor changes to improve speed on searches for cases with 'Other Open Charges'.
03/11/09 Release Version 1.09.03B
  • Added support for the new 'Symbol LS-2208' barcode reader that will be supplied to courts that applied for barcode readers in their recent grant requests.
  • Backups done during the 'Update Process' now work without reporting an error.
02/20/09 Release Version 1.09.02D
  • Expanded support for the 'Apparently Eligible Youthful Offender' case seals. Use seal type 'E' for these cases. The seal will be reported to OCA as 'EYO'. Each of your calendar formats should be checked to ensure that EYO and YO case information is blocked. Call SEi for assistance if needed to setup your calendars. A new prompt was added to the calendar set-up screen to allow you to print calendars that show detail on sealed cases. Calendars printed using this option must not be available for public viewing.
  • Added a link to the Town & Village Courts Resource Center Web site on the Help menu.
  • The Help Menu was getting a little crowded with all the Web-Site links so they were all grouped together in a single sub-menu, 'Help -> Web-Site Links'.
02/18/09 Release Version 1.09.02C
  • Fixed a problem with lost eTickets on merged cases. If you merged cases using version 1.09.02B, it was posible that the eTicket would not print for the merged charges. If you have missing tickets on merged charges, call SEi for instructions on recovering the lost tickets.
02/06/09 Release Version 1.09.02B
  • Added the ability to merge two cases together. From the Case Information Screen: MODIFY CASE -> CASE MODIFICATION -> MERGE IN ANOTHER CASE This option may be used when you have entered some of the charges on a case and later download your eTickets and find new charges added with a different case number. In the past it was necessary handle this as two cases, or to delete one of the cases and add violations to the other case. Now you just go to one of the cases and merge the other case into it. Only cases with open charges and the same defendant may be merged.
  • Fixed a problem with scrolling the CDR form with the mouse wheel. Mouse scrolling now works without errors.
  • Removed PDF support. I did not want to do this, but there were just too many problems that still need to be resolved in the new printer software. When the print problems are resolved the PDF option will be reinstalled.
01/28/09 Release Version 1.09.01E
  • Fixed the printing bug in the 'PDF' drivers. All of the documents produced by the program can now be saved and/or eMailed in the 'PDF' format.
01/22/09 Release Version 1.09.01D
  • Added the ability to save and eMail reports and letters as 'PDF' files.
12/19/08 Release Version 1.08.12C++
  • Fixed 'Other Players'. Adding an officer or juror now selects the proper list.
  • Fixed some very old problems with sending multiple letters to a defendant. The number of copies for each letter sent is now set properly. Margins are reset for each letter to avoid 'text overlap'.
12/18/08 Release Version 1.08.12C+
  • Update to Parking Module only. Fixes PREED password encryption setting.
12/16/08 Release Version 1.08.12C
  • Update to Parking Module only.
12/09/08 Release Version 1.08.12B
  • Added a 'Receipt' button to the Add Bail screen.
  • Added better encryption levels to the DMV passwords. (Now uses 504-bit 'deep root' encryption)
  • Corrected the address for the Justice Court Fund on the 'Electronic Filing Affidavit'. This letter should be Faxed to OSC-JCF by most courts. A very small number of courts are required to mail the form and the address was corrected for them.
12/02/08 Release Version 1.08.12A
  • Added 'Interpreter' to the list of other players.
  • Added 'Alias' buttons for plaintiff and defendant on civil screens.
  • Changed Plaintiff/Defendant on Summary Proceedings cases to Claimant/Respondent.
  • Fixed sorting of Web Letters and Forms by Date.
11/12/08 Release Version 1.08.11B
  • Closed cases now show the 'Other Open' charges button on the 'CASE INFORMATION SCREEN' if there are open charges for the same defendant.
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary is included in this update (Law file dated 11/5/2008).
  • Added a new disposition code for CDRs. The new code 'SCT-PT' is to be used for 'Superior Court Transfers' when a plea is taken in the local court.
10/30/08 Release Version 1.08.10D+
  • Fixed a problem with sending letters from the 'Request Adjournment' screen this was caused by the new 'More Charges' feature.
10/29/08 Release Version 1.08.10D
  • Added a new button to the 'CASE INFORMATION SCREEN'. If a defendant has other open charges pending in the court, a button labeled 'More Charges' will appear above the defendant's name. Moving the mouse over the new button will display the number of open charges. A left click of the mouse will open the search screen to display all open charges for the defendant.
10/09/08 Release Version 1.08.10B
  • Fixed a problem with double dashes ("--") in the attorney and officer zipcodes.
10/02/08 Release Version 1.08.10A
  • Added a new bail option "State Fees from Bail". This option allows bail to be used to pay Scoff Lift fees, Sex Offender fees, DNA Registration fees, and Sex Offense Victim fees.
09/29/08 Release Version 1.08.09E
  • Added new tests for School Zone Speeding Tickets, (VTL-1180C). These tickets are now listed on the Information Screen as "School Zone 48/25" instead of just "Speeding 48/25".
  • Added option for Electronic Filing Affidavit to the Audit Report.
09/08/08 Release Version 1.08.09A
  • Fixed an index-no reset problem that affected some courts when reseting the index number for a new judge in the middle of a month.
  • Attempt to stabilize the startup of the program in muti-user courts with slow network and internet connections.
08/04/08 Release Version 1.08.08A
  • Corrected a problem where the screen display of CDR charges displayed invalid descriptions after printing receipts.
  • Added Kinderhook Village Court to the Columbia County ORI Code list.
07/03/08 Release Version 1.08.07A
  • Fixed problem with keyboard shortcuts not working after transferring a case.
  • Added new validation tests for disposition speeds reported on the eDisposition reports. If the report speed does not match the description on the case screen it is now flagged as an error.
06/11/08 Release Version 1.08.06B
  • Added 'PKWY' text to AC1030 charge descriptions on Parkway violations to help Justice Court Fund properly credit the money to each municipality.
  • Added 22 new interim disposition codes to the drop down menu on the CDR 540 report screen. Increased the number of possible interim dispositions on each case from 4 to 6.
05/30/08 Release Version 1.08.05E+
  • Fixed a problem with temporary index numbers caused in version 1.08.05E.
05/28/08 Release Version 1.08.05E
  • Added an option to the LIST_CHG() function to display number of counts as well as Class/Category/Degree. This will affect some courts that have requested the option to display number of counts on customized docket pages.
05/07/08 Release Version 1.08.05B+
  • More minor changes to make it easier to install the 1000+ new computers the courts are receiving from OCA.
05/07/08 Release Version 1.08.05B
  • Added better support for creating auxiliary file folders when installing a new computer.
05/02/08 Release Version 1.08.05A
  • Removed the error message caused in release 1.08.04E for courts still backing-up to their A: drive.
  • Added a feature to download your court data from your on-line backup when a new computer is installed.
04/28/08 Release Version 1.08.04E
  • Fixed a problem with 'Request Adjournment' where focus on the 'Code' field was lost on multiple adjournments. Use of the mouse was required to enter multiple adjournments.
  • Added "..NOARCHIVE" option to form letters. For courts that archive all letters, this option allows you to mark some letters to bypass the archive. Useful for letters like Arraignment Memos.
  • Added an option to include or skip backup of archived letters. For courts that have archived thousands of letters, this will significantly speedup the backup process for daily backups. You should still do the complete backup on a regular basis.
  • Added ability to append to existing Liberty Book Mark Files. This feature can be used for combined courts where the Town Court and Village Court both meet at the same time and one recorder is being used. This feature may also be useful for courts that create separate calendars for civil and traffic cases to be heard at the same court session.
  • Fixed a long standing problem with resizing the print preview screens.
04/15/08 Release Version 1.08.04C
  • Fixed problem where attorney and/or prosecutor name was lost when mail labels were printed from 'Plea-by-Mail'.
  • Added the ability to do DMV-Call searches on downloaded XML Tickets. Use the 'Import' feature on the DMV-Call screen, then select 'Import from XML Tickets'. The date of the ticket download(s) should be entered in the 'Start Date' / 'End Date' fields.
03/25/08 Release Version 1.08.03D
  • Added a link to 'Unified Court System eMail' under the 'Help Menu'. You should be checking your eMail through this system often. This is the official channel of communication from OCA and other agencies to the courts.
  • A new edition of the Law Dictionary is included in this update.
  • Fixed printed CDRs so the 'Transfer to' ORI code is printed for indicted cases in the 'CDE:' field.
02/14/08 Release Version 1.08.02B+
  • Added Defendant's name to the 'Liberty Recorder' bookmark file for civil cases. Also moved plaintiff to the proper location.
02/13/08 Release Version 1.08.02B
  • Removed the expiration date from DMV-Call. Once you purchase DMV-Call the $50.00 maintenance fee has been dropped and will no longer be required.
  • Fixed a problem with the 'Liberty Recorder' bookmark files. Many courts reported that the book marks resulted in locked (sealed) files. This has been corrected.
01/29/08 Release Version 1.08.01D
  • Update to Parking Module only.
01/16/08 Release Version 1.08.01C
  • Added new seal type 'F' to be used only for Juvenile Offenders where the case is 'Removed to Family Court' under CPL 725. (CPL-725.15 provides for this type of seal only when a case is Removed to Family Court.)
01/09/08 Release Version 1.08.01B
  • DMV-Call failed due to a change in the web-site address used by DMV. This change apparently happened on Tuesday 1/08/2008. The program now uses the new address.
  • Fixed a problem with the 'Liberty Recorder' bookmark files. Calendars with only one case now work correctly.
12/28/07 Release Version 1.07.12D+
  • Added a function so Deposit Slips can show defendants name instead of payee name for those courts that prefer it that way.
12/27/07 Release Version 1.07.12D
  • Fixed some display problems on the DMV info screen that happened with the last version.
12/13/07 Release Version 1.07.12B
  • Fixed the display of long menus. The menus did not start a second column properly on 'Vista' computers. This only affected the Forms menus on Vista computers.
  • Added an option to the 'Printer Setup' procedure to delete the existing setup file before changing the setup. This is sometimes required when replacing a printer with a printer from a different manufacturer, where the setup options may not be compatible.
  • Updated the 'Clerks Database' to include the latest information we have received from the 'State Clerks Association'.
11/07/07 Release Version 1.07.11B
  • Added a feature to save custom settings on forms. Now when you update a form like the eTicket (Form #655), your custom settings for barcode style and position are saved.
  • Added a feature to allow you to save the 'Liberty Recorder' Bookmark file to alternate folders or disk drives.
10/24/07 Release Version 1.07.10D
  • Corrected an error in the XML eTicket import system. Some eTickets have a conflict between the actual charge written on the ticket and the law code used by the State Police and DMV to match charges to the proper statute and section. This can result in a different charge showing on the case record than on the actual ticket. There is now a check done during the ticket import process to work around this error in the XML eTicket data.
  • Added new options for the 'Probation Field' on DMV dispositions. These are the new options for ordering 'Ignition Interlocks' on convictions of certain alcohol related VTL violations. The options for reporting probation are now as follows:
          "C" - Misdemeanor Ignition Interlock No Restriction
          "R" - Interlock Only, No Probation
          "M" - Misdemeanor Ignition Interlock with an order
             not to apply for a license without court
          "P" - Probation Only No Restriction
          "Q" - Probation Only with an order not to apply
             for a license without court permission
10/15/07 Release Version 1.07.10C
  • Added support for Liberty Court Recorder Bookmark files. This is an option on the CourtRoom Program menu:
             REPORTS -> CALENDARS Select "Create Liberty Bookmark File' The option will format your calendar files into a format used by the Liberty Recorder program for default bookmarks. Bookmarks for sealed cases will be listed with a red background, possible YOs will be listed with a yellow background. Use this file in the Liberty Court Recorder program as follows:
             TOOLS -> PREDEFINED BOOKMARKS On the Bookmarks screen select:
             FILES -> OPEN Browse to your data folder and select the 'Liberty.xml' file.
09/13/07 Release Version 1.07.09B
  • Transfer ORI number now shows on printed CDRs for cases transferred to IDV court.
  • Added several new fields to the eTicket databases.
  • Updated the eTicket printout (form #655) to properly show 'Out Of Service' status on commercial drivers.
09/05/07 Release Version 1.07.09A
  • Several internal changes to the update procedure to make it faster and more stable.
  • Updates to support a DOS prompt in 'Windows Vista'.
  • Added ability to set probation time on CDRs to 10 years.
08/24/07 Release Version 1.07.08D
  • Added ability to search on reference field. This update requires a re-index of your data files.
08/10/07 Release Version 1.07.08C
  • Added a feature to the Barcode options. A barcode can now be added to the fine notice. When the defendant returns the fine notice, you can access the fine/fee payment screen for the case by simply scanning the barcode.
08/10/07 Release Version 1.07.08B+
  • Corrected an error in the eticket form caused by revision 1.07.08B.
08/09/07 Release Version 1.07.08B
  • Added a new field to the XMLTKT data file to store a separate affirmation date for eTickets. This date is used on tickets and supporting depositions.
  • Updated the eTicket printout form, (#655) to use the new 'Affirmation Date' field.
07/26/07 Release Version 1.07.07C
  • Barcode support is now fully tested and ready to be used in any court that wishes to try this exciting new feature. There is no additional cost for the barcode option. All you need is to purchase a bar- code reader for each of the computers you wish to have this option on. SEi has worked out a deal with a company called POSWorld to supply barcode readers for The CourtRoom Program. The only reader supported by the program is the 'Metrologic Voyager' (model MK9540-32A38). There is a new link from the 'Help menu' labeled "Order BarCode Readers from POSWorld". This link takes you to the POSWorld web site to purchase the barcode reader. These are rugged, state-of-the-art readers priced at $124.00 including shipping.
07/13/07 Release Version 1.07.07B+
  • Enabled deletion of 'Archived Documents' without calling SEi for special passwords.
07/11/07 Release Version 1.07.07B
  • Fixed a problem with restoring archived documents.
  • Fixed a problem in the batch printing of eTickets when printing additional letters for each ticket. The additional letters were sometimes failing to print.
07/03/07 Release Version 1.07.07A
  • Updated the DMV web address to use the new site.
  • Several updates to support new features in the parking program. (PREED Scofflaws)
  • Removed CDR disposition code 'ACD56F'. This code is obsolete and should not be used.
05/31/07 Release Version 1.07.05E
  • Cleaned up the 'Name View' screen used to DeDuplicate Officer names. This screen now displays the NCIC number after editing the master record.
  • Added a field to the charges database to store the 'Family Offense' indicator. This now allows for the creation of a CDR for Harrassment charges under PL 240.20 if the violation qualifies as a 'Family Offense'.
05/11/07 Release Version 1.07.05A+
  • Fixed a problem with editing checkbook records introduced at version 1.07.05A.
05/03/07 Release Version 1.07.05A
  • Added support for online updates and backups through some PROXY servers that previously blocked these features.
  • Added new support for BarCode Readers. More details and information on this exciting new feature will follow in future updates.
  • Added an underscore "_" after arrest date on the case search screen to indicate that a disposition has been entered on the case, but the case is not closed. This was standard behavior in the DOS program and was never implemented in the Windows version.
  • Added a 'Send Letter' button to the Adjourn/Dispose screen.
04/24/07 Release Version 1.07.04D
  • Changes to reduce the storage size of 'Archived Documents'.
04/17/07 Release Version 1.07.04C
  • New laws dictionary provided by the State. This posting includes changes and additions to the newly updated Thruway and Parkway Rules and Regs (REG)
04/13/07 Release Version 1.07.04B
  • Added the ability to 'Archive' copies of letters and forms printed from the program. These copies can be reprinted from the 'Select Letters' screen by using the 'Archive' Button . To enable this feature go to:
            UTILITY -> USER DEFAULTS and enter a 0, 1, 2, or 3 in 'Enable Print Archive'
             0 = Disable Archive
             1 = Enable Archive
             2 = Enable and default to selected
             3 = Force Selected
04/06/07 Release Version 1.07.04A
  • Corrections to support the changes to DMV's PREED Registration Inquiry Services. DMV changed the 'NameSpace' address without updating their user documentation.
03/29/07 Release Version 1.07.03E
  • Updated CheckBook editing rights. Removing the right to edit checkbook records now limits the right to 'Reset the Case Like New'.
03/16/07 Release Version 1.07.03C
  • Updates to Parking Program and added features to better support 'Windows Vista'.
02/28/07 Release Version 1.07.02E
  • Updates to Parking Program and an effort to stabilize some error messages.
02/21/07 Release Version 1.07.02D
  • When using 'lookup buttons' on the Edit CDR tab pages, the selected field now stays active.
02/08/07 Release Version 1.07.02B
  • Fixed a problem with leftover messages not clearing from the screen.
  • Corrected a problem where the incorrect prosecutor was assigned on eTicket downloads.
  • Added NCIC number to the clean-up officer screens.
01/25/07 Release Version 1.07.01D+
  • Added a link to the WEB Domestic Violence System (WEB-DVS) under the 'Help Menu'. This is the website to use for submitting electronic Orders Of Protection. For passwords and further information about this site, contact Tina Richburg at OCA (866)246-2361.
01/24/07 Release Version 1.07.01D
  • Fixed a problem with CDRs not properly saving the 'Remaining Counts' information on some multi-charge cases.
01/05/07 Release Version 1.07.01A
  • Update to Parking Module only.
12/29/06 Release Version 1.06.12E
  • Added a link to the eJustice Web-Site to the 'Help' Menu.
  • Preparation for new Windows Vista (tm)
12/19/06 Release Version 1.06.12C
  • Added ability to reprint batches of eTickets. The new menu item "Reprint eTickets" is just below 'Read eTicket XML' on the 'Utility Menu'.
12/07/06 Release Version 1.06.12B+
  • If user level #38 is set to "N" the default for transferring money to a new judge when transferring a case will now be 'NO' and the 'Transfer existing money records' prompt will not be checked on the transfer screen. If level #38 is set to 'X' the prompt will default to checked.
12/06/06 Release Version 1.06.12B
  • Changes to support updates to The Parking Program.
11/29/06 Release Version 1.06.12A
  • Fixed problem with printing labels. Since version 1.06.11D printing labels caused an error.
11/29/06 Release Version 1.06.11E
  • Several changes to try and minimize the 'Ghost' effect some courts are seeing on the Case Information Screen.
11/22/06 Release Version 1.06.11D
  • Added a new message system. Using this system SEi will be able to notify the Courts directly when important new developments occur. We promise to use this only for significant news bulletins. This will only work for courts connected to the internet and there is an option to disable the feature.
  • Added new 'DDM' code to Secondary Sentences on the DMV data screen. This is the Mandatory Drinking Driver program required under the plea bargaining provisions of the new VTL 1192(2-a) effective 11/1/2006. Refer to 'M' Memo ("M" 11 2006) for more information.
11/14/06 Release Version 1.06.11C
  • New laws dictionary provided by the State. Includes the new DWI laws of 11/1/2006.
  • Added new DNA indicator to the laws table.
11/10/06 Release Version 1.06.11B
  • When doing multiple Plea-by-Mails the default answer to the prompt: 'Plea-By-Mail Finished, Do Another?' has been changed to 'Yes'. This makes it easier to do multiple pleas without using the mouse.
  • Fixed problem on Civil Case display screen where. If you hit the left or right arrows it caused an error.
10/30/06 Release Version 1.06.10D
  • Fixed the NCIC / Officer search from Version 10C++ for a problem with some NCIC numbers not being found.
10/27/06 Release Version 1.06.10C++
  • Added NCIC number to officer search in XML eTicket import. This should enable searching for and properly matching officers in multiple agencies with duplicate badge numbers.
  • Corrected problems with 'Tab' and 'Enter' keys while editing case notes.
10/25/06 Release Version 1.06.10C+
  • Minor changes to support a 'Look Only' user level in the 'Parking Program'.
10/20/06 Release Version 1.06.10C
  • Fixed a several problems with zipcode look-ups when using zip+4 zipcodes. You can now use ".123456789", ".12345-6789", or ".12345 6789" and the zipcode will be correctly displayed as "12345-6789" in the zipcode field along with the proper city and state information.
  • Changed the "+++" indicator on the Case Display screen from yellow to red. This is the indicator below the Judge's initials that indicates more than one Judge's initials are on various parts of the case.
  • Plea by Mail now auto updates the adjournment action code.
  • Fixed a problem with searching on receipt numbers with leading zeros.
  • Fixed a problem with false reductions showing up on the AC-1030 caused by editing the name while doing Plea by mails.
  • Dates more than 80 years in the past or 18 months in the future now show a warning screen.
  • Added several new short-cut keys to the 'Case Information Screen'
          Ctrl-1 -> Edit Charge Records
          Ctrl-2 -> Edit Check Book Records
          Ctrl-3 -> Edit CourtDay Records
          Ctrl-X -> Enter Disposition Information
          Ctrl-T -> State Fees
          Ctrl-Z -> Adjourn Case
          Ctrl-F -> Fine Fee Payment
          Ctrl-M -> Plea Guilty by Mail
          Ctrl-Q -> Seal/Suppress
  • Fixed problem with Add Bail option losing the bail amount if a new name was added for the payee.
  • Fixed several problems with the rights levels assigned by passwords. A true 'Look Only' level is now possible. This allows access to the program with only case search and view rights.
         Set the User's Rights #002 to 'X' Blank out all
         the other options (1 and 3 to 100).
10/12/06 Release Version 1.06.10B+
  • Fixed a problem in Version 1.06.10B that blocked adding new cases.
10/12/06 Release Version 1.06.10B
  • Added feature to allow Case Information Screens to be a different color for each Judge.
         Utility -> Edit Databases -> Judges
            Select 'Set BG Color'
         There are six preset colors to choose from and
         custom colors may also be set.
  • Courts using 'DMV-Call' can now lookup driver name and address information from the 'Add A Case' screen. This feature works with Motorist ID and will also work with Plate Number if your court is using the DMV 'PREED' system. PREED is the new "Parking Regulation Electronic Enforcement and Disposition" system from DMV. This system will automatically load drivers name and address information directly from DMV in real time while entering parking tickets. Apply for a user ID and password from DMV by sending a request to DMV at the following email address:
            [email protected] When you contact DMV make sure you request access to "PREED Web Services" and tell them you will need a 'B' record for your user ID. Once you are setup with the 'B' user record, contact SEI to add this information to your DMV-Call setup.
  • Reports menus are now sorted in alphabetical order.
10/05/06 Release Version 1.06.10A
  • Corrected error with 'Mass Letter Utility' on large calendars.
  • Added 'DSUP' to the list of CDR disposition codes at the request of OCA.
         DSUP = Dismissed, Superceded by related docket
09/27/06 Release Version 1.06.09E+
  • Backup procedures updated to better archive the officer signature files.
09/25/06 Release Version 1.06.09E
  • Several changes to support new features for the optional parking program.
  • Added options to dim, or hide the gavel in the lower left corner of the screen.
09/18/06 Release Version 1.06.09D
  • Fixed possible lockup problem that could happen on courts that reindex their databases several times on the same day.
09/08/06 Release Version 1.06.09B
  • DMV-Call is working again! DMV changed their 'VPASS' web-site in mid August without notifying the courts. The new 'Site Pass' Web page required several internal changes to the way DMV-Call accesses the site. We know this delay has caused problems for the courts. Thank you for your patience.

    ** Forms updated in this release:
         Updated the TSLED eTicket printout to correct an
         error with 'Date of Offense' for tickets written
         several days after the actual offense.
07/31/06 Release Version 1.06.07F
  • Extended limit of checkbook records per case to 250. For courts that do a LOT of partial payments!
  • Added new functions for inserting NYSID and CJTN (501-Card) numbers into form letters.
         To insert the NYSID number, use the following:
         To insert the 501 Card number, use the following:
07/21/06 Release Version 1.06.07D
  • Reduced screen flicker on large report previews.
07/17/06 Release Version 1.06.07C
  • Added utility to rebuild databases corrupted by power failures and/or network failures.
07/10/06 Release Version 1.06.07B
  • Added the disposition of remaining counts to the printed CDR form at the request of OCA.
             Was - "RC: 2"
            Now shows as - "RC: 002-COV"
  • Fixed a problem where searching the same case 3 times in a row might lock-up the system.
  • Added "Arrest Type: W" for WorkZone arrests on the DMV Dispo screens.
06/21/06 Release Version 1.06.06E
  • Fixed case lockup problem that could happen on courts that have done a lot of officer clean-up work.
06/21/06 Release Version 1.06.06D
  • Added second progress bar to the index building screen to show overall progress.
  • More changes to avoid conflicts on Novel Servers. These conflicts may lockup workstations with Novel and some virus software programs.
06/13/06 Release Version 1.06.06C
  • Updated 'Cashbook by Receipt Number' for parking courts.
06/09/06 Release Version 1.06.06B+
  • Essex County Bail Poundage is now figured at 3%. Hamilton County is now the only county that is still figured at 2%.
  • Added a change to correct a Record locking error on Novel Servers.
          If you are running a Novel Server and receive a
             "Attempting to lock this record"
          Please call SEi for help with the required changes.
06/06/06 Release Version 1.06.06B
  • Simplified error detection and reporting. This should reduce reported errors.

    ** Forms updated in this release:
         Updated the TSLED eTicket printout to correct some
         errors on the 'Supporting Deposition'.
05/31/06 Release Version 1.06.05E
  • Preparation for new Windows Vista (tm) and McAfee versions.
05/25/06 Release Version 1.06.05D+
  • Several changes to the System Memory Manager. An additional attempt to locate and reduce the system errors caused by various Windows(tm) versions.
  • Corrected a problem caused by tickets that have been downloaded and then lost or deleted from the program. Now, they will not be rejected if downloaded again.
05/19/06 Release Version 1.06.05D
  • Database engine update. This should reduce some system errors.
05/18/06 Release Version 1.06.05C+
  • Added switch to disable the duplicate receipt number test. Many courts wanted the new feature disabled. The receipts are now only tested for duplicates if user level 83 is set to 'T'. Call SEi if you want to enable this feature.
05/17/06 Release Version 1.06.05C
  • Changes to updates to parking fine structures.
  • Updates to error handler
  • Added test for duplicate receipt numbers
05/04/06 Release Version 1.06.05A+
  • Changes to reduce error lockouts with Windows XP(tm) systems.
  • Fixed problem where single digit receipt numbers were not being accepted.
05/02/06 Release Version 1.06.05A
  • Added 'Age Warning' to Plea by Mail screen to notify you when defendant is less than 18 years of age.
04/28/06 Release Version 1.06.04F
  • Added logic to show charges reduced to 'attempted' properly on the AC-1030 Report and case printout. If the 'Attempted' field contains a 'Y' the reports now properly reflect the reduction.
  • Updated the 'Justice Court Fund Handbook' to the April 2006 version
04/27/06 Release Version 1.06.04E
  • Changes to enable download retries for updates to work around certain anti-virus programs.
04/14/06 Release Version 1.06.04C
  • Full support for new 9 digit NYSID Numbers
04/12/06 Release Version 1.06.04B+
  • Update to support Parking Program 1.06.04C.
04/07/06 Release Version 1.06.04B
  • Several changes to try to avoid errors on slow or error prone networks.
  • Changed XML eticket import to enable printing of only new tickets and to skip duplicated tickets.
04/04/06 Release Version 1.06.04A
  • Added check for 'PERMIT' Class drivers in VPASS searches using DMV_Call
03/31/06 Release Version 1.06.03E+
  • Updates to support Parking Program 1.06.03E.
03/29/06 Release Version 1.06.03E
  • Added support for multiple backup paths. This allows you to chose from a list of possible data backup locations.
03/20/06 Release Version 1.06.03D
  • Update to support New date format in eTickets for Registration Expired dates. The Registration expired date should now show properly on newly imported eTickets.
  • Added Officer signatures and most recent eTicket import file to the list of files backed up by the program.

    ** Forms updated in this release:
         Updated the TSLED eTicket printout to include
         US DOT# for commercial drivers.
03/16/06 Release Version 1.06.03C
  • Updates to support Parking Program 1.06.03C.
03/09/06 Release Version 1.06.03B
  • Fixed Custom commands so eTicket-> changes to XMLTemp-> when XML tickets are downloaded.
  • Mass transfer cases now transfers all pending DMV dispositions in addition to Courtday and charge records to the new Judge.
03/02/06 Release Version 1.06.03A
  • General maintenance updates.
02/16/06 Release Version 1.06.02C
  • General maintenance updates.
02/08/06 Release Version 1.06.02A
  • Added additional name information on officers when importing XML eTickets. The screen now shows the first and last names instead of just initials.
01/26/06 Release Version 1.06.01D+
  • Fixed another problem with 'Remaining Counts' on CDRs.
  • eTicket printing fixed so only newest tickets are printed.
01/26/06 Release Version 1.06.01D
  • Work Zone indicator added to VTL-1180-F violations. The description is now "Speed WZ 65/45".
  • A new warning screen was added to advise the court when downloading an update from the web-site if the version on the web-site is the same, or older than the currently installed version.
01/20/06 Release Version 1.06.01C
  • Changes to CDRs so reduced number of counts does not show as a reduced charge on CDRs. Remaining counts will still show and a disposition for the remaining counts is required.
01/13/06 Release Version 1.06.01B
  • Added new option for naming backups from parking agencies.
  • Allow 'M' for months in the License Revoked/Suspended time field on DMV dispositions.
  • eTickets may now be downloaded in XML format. This format will allow you to print a copy of the ticket including the 'Supporting Deposition'. The tickets can be batch printed after the download, or each ticket may be printed from the Case Information screen.
01/03/06 Release Version 1.06.01A
  • Completed changes to support the new Web-Site and new support for downloading /uploading forms and letters.
12/26/05 Release Version 1.05.12E
  • Fix to create calendar from DMV_Call. It now stays in the foreground.
  • "Attempted" added to CDR for attempted charges.
  • Changes to support the new SEI Web-Site for downloading updates, and uploading backups.
12/02/05 Release Version 1.05.12B
  • Fixed a problem with assigning Judges on eTickets where the Judges are assigned cases by the week of the month and return dates on tickets do not fall on an exact court day. Call SEi if you need help setting up this option.
12/02/05 Release Version 1.05.12A
  • Letter update only.

    ** Letters added/fixed in this release: Added Family Protection Registry Addendum
          FAMADD#2.LTR Added Family Protection Registry Information Sheet
11/23/05 Release Version 1.05.11D
  • Added error trapping for ILeads data import to filter out officer data input errors on speeding tickets.
          (This only affects Monroe County)
  • Added option to separate backups by judge or by county. This protects data uploaded to SEi so that one Court does not write over the top of another court's off-site backup. If your judges run separate sets of data, contact SEI to set-up this option.
11/15/05 Release Version 1.05.11B
  • Corrected a problem with ORI and CDR numbers not saving properly. (This only affected courts that converted from DOS recently and had used the DOS program for several years.)
11/02/05 Release Version 1.05.11A
  • Fixed 'CDR' button on 'Case Information Screen' so it shows properly on charges with the 'Attempted Flag' set to 'Y' and the class/category reduced one level. Example:
         PL 125.25.01 BF2 Y -- Now shows the CDR button.
  • Fixed problem with the fonts appearing too small on the 'Case Search' screen on some Windows XP(tm) machines.
  • Fixed problem with DMV-Call VPass passwords containing non alphanumeric characters. Passwords with characters like "$#@_-" were not being saved correctly.
10/27/05 Release Version 1.05.10E
  • Corrected a problem with some new ticket numbers not being accepted in the "Add Case" screen.
10/07/05 Release Version 1.05.10B+
  • Fixed a problem with law codes not matching on imported eTickets.
10/06/05 Release Version 1.05.10B
  • New Laws Database. Also the full description of each law is displayed on the 'Law Search Screen.
  • All out of state drivers now need the drivers license class added when electronically submitting scoff requests.
  • The 'Drivers License Class' prompt is now visible on the DMV Data screen for all out-of-state drivers. The State is now required to report the License Class to Federal agencies for convictions of all out-of- state CDL drivers. New York State will lose 'significant Federal funding' if this information is not properly reported. Therefore this is now a required field for the scoff and disposition records for all out-of-state drivers.
09/15/05 Release Version 1.05.09B
  • Imports to DMV-Call from a calendar list now include Transportation Law (TL) and Tax Law (TAX).
09/09/05 Release Version 1.05.09A
  • Letter update only.

    ** Letters added/fixed in this release: Added option for Officers name on 160.50 Seal Order.
          FORM #8 import "LH_008-W-OFFCR.FRM"
08/26/05 Release Version 1.05.08E
  • Several updates to the on-line help manual,
  • Added support for backup using Windows XP(tm) 'CD READY' folder.
  • Added test for eTicket import to check for the proper ORI number on imported tickets. If the ORI number on the eTicket does not match your court, you will be prompted to delete the ticket.
08/22/05 Release Version 1.05.08D
  • It's here!! Other Players now works. You can now keep track of additional parties on both civil and non-civil cases. The possible categories include:
             'Other' The names will be included on case printouts, and you can print mailing labels for any of the names, if you have mailing labels setup on your system. There is a limit of 12 names on each case.
  • Added support for the new Universal traffic tickets. These ticket numbers start with "OAA" and have seven (7) digits following the "OAA". If you enter the complete number, the program will convert it to a 'standard' ticket number.
          Enter "OAA3250063" and it will be
          saved as: "AA325006 3". You may search for this ticket with or without the leading "O" or "0". Any of the following are ok:
             "AA325006" or "0AA325006" or
             "AA325006 3" or "OAA3250063"
08/08/05 Release Version 1.05.08B
  • Changed Mass Adjourn so it uses any selected judge, not the current active judge.
  • Added ability to recreate an old calendar list. REPORTS -> CALENDARS -> RECREATE OLD CALENDAR LIST

    ** Letters added/fixed in this release: Added a new 'Assignment of Counsel Form'
          OCA-TV1.LTR Added a new 'Notice of Bail Order'
07/21/05 Release Version 1.05.07C+
  • Fixed the DMV validation routine so it does not stop and display the ticket number for each charge.

    ** Letters added/fixed in this release: Added disposition charge to the "UT-20" letter
          UT-20.LTR Added a new Certificate of Relief from Disabilities
07/15/05 Release Version 1.05.07C
  • Added four (4) more fields required by DMV for a Scoff on eDisposition for failure to appear. DMV now wants the following six items to scoff for failure to appear to avoid the "Arrest Not On Record" errors.
         Vehicle Plate Number
         Vehicle Plate State
         Vehicle Type
         Driver License Class (Out of state commercial only)
         Original Appearance Date
         USDOT Number (only required if on face of ticket) This change also supports the new Federal requirements for reporting commercial violations for interstate drivers.

    ** Forms added in this release:
         Added support for batch printing of Docket pages.
07/07/05 Release Version 1.05.07B+
  • Corrected problem in version 1.05.06 that caused an error while editing names.

    ** Letters added in this release:
         Added "UT-20"
07/05/05 Release Version 1.05.07B
  • Added fields for 'State and Plate' on the "Suspend for Failure to Appear" DMV Dispo screen. These are not required fields, but they will allow DMV to create a ticket record and avoid an error report for "Arrest Not On Record".
  • Added several new checks for the DMV validate function.
  • There have been some bad ticket numbers issued on tickets. A '?' in the last digit will now correct a 'bad' ticket number.
  • Corrected CDR validation for "Rem Cnts Were" field.
06/22/05 Release Version 1.05.06D
  • Corrected a problem with blank 'Attempt' flags on imported charges. The 'Attempt' flag was blank on eTicket charges and resulted in CDRs indicating a false reduction.
06/10/05 Release Version 1.05.06B
  • CDRs now react to reductions in the number of counts for a charge. If 4 counts were charged and the defendant pled to 2 counts, this will now show as a proper reduction. On the CDR charge screen, you will be required to indicate the disposition of the remaining charges.
06/02/05 Release Version 1.05.06A
  • Internal changes to increase program stability.
  • Added ability to show the offense type on arraignment memos. list_chgv('x','x')
  • Corrected problem with blank receipt numbers for partial closed and partial payment cases.
05/24/05 Release Version 1.05.05D
  • Transfer ORI number now shows on printed CDR for all types of transfer. (TRANS, TRFCT, SCT, RMFCT)
  • New Clerks database from NYSAMCC.
         (Now includes Fax numbers!)
05/11/05 Release Version 1.05.05B
  • Changes for Company names on eDisposition transfers to DMV.
  • Calling routine for parking module changed to allow typists with only two initials.
05/06/05 Release Version 1.05.05A
  • Letter Update only.

    ** Forms modified in this release:
         MV-1192 reverted to the (7/2002) format that
         displays Suspension and Revocation information.
             Update the form by importing "MV-1192.ltr"
             over your existing form.
04/29/05 Release Version 1.05.04E
  • Fixed Note display on Case Screen. 'Cntl-N' now opens or closes notes.
04/05/05 Release Version 1.05.04B
  • Added ability to do CDRs on cases that the program does not recognize as needing CDRs.
         From the case screen:
  • Speed reductions on CDRs are now reported as a reduction.
  • Added ability to insert a signature in form letters.
  • Fixed problem with importing eTickets for multiple judges with separate data files.

    ** Letters added in this release:
         Added "Order of Suspension or Revocation"
         Added "Waiver of Hearing"
         Added "Order of Suspension Pending Prosecution"
03/14/05 Release Version 1.05.03C
  • Minor changes to enable program updates to the Parking module.
03/07/05 Release Version 1.05.03B
  • Updated DMV-Call to use DMVs VPass system for searches on driver's name or Client ID.
  • Enabled access to the DMV M-Memos
  • Added "PT130" as a disposition code for CDRs. This is the new termination of prosecution code to be used for felony cases dismissed by the local courts.
02/02/05 Release Version 1.05.02A
  • Added new tests for calendar files to avoid corrupted files.
01/26/05 Release Version 1.05.01E
  • Internal changes to reduce false start-up error messages.
01/21/05 Release Version 1.05.01D
  • Added a field to the 'Law Lookup Screen' for CDR required. Since many of the Misdemeanor charges in the V&T Law do not require CDRS, this will help in selecting cases that actually require the CDR to be produced.
01/10/05 Release Version 1.05.01C
  • Added feature to eTicket import to allow importing only one Judge's tickets. This is for courts that maintain separate data folders for each Judge. (Call SEi for help with this feature)
01/06/05 Release Version 1.05.01B
  • Fixed problem with iLeads imports due to date format of mmddyyyy. (Files now sort properly on yyyymmdd)
  • Added ability to save old copies of 'eTicket Import' files. ("eTktIn.sav")
12/31/04 Release Version 1.04.12E
  • Minor changes to cleanup the 'Parking Program' interface.
12/20/04 Release Version 1.04.12D
  • Simplified DMV eDisposition screens.
  • Added more validity checks to the CDRs.
  • Added ability to 'UnDo' Officer & Attorney cleanup. (Call SEi for help with this feature)
12/14/04 Release Version 1.04.12C
  • Simplified the CDR edit screens.
  • Added a 'Validate' button to the CDR edit screen.
  • Added 36 new validity checks to the CDRs.
  • Modified the 'Summary of CDR' report to show any errors generated by each CDR.
12/06/04 Release Version 1.04.12B
  • Added ability to automatically assign court time based on action code.
          Requires a "T" in password level 86:
             UTILITY -> Edit Databases -> Users/Passwords
          Set times for each judge with:
             UTILITY -> Edit Databases -> Action/Status Codes
  • Added additional Judge assignment options for ticket import.
  • Automated several CDR prompts to simplify CDR data entry.
12/01/04 Release Version 1.04.12A
  • Added ability to upload and/or download a single file to/from SEi.
  • Fixed an error with the 'Reorder the Charges' function for courts that do not import eTickets from DMV.
11/29/04 Release Version 1.04.11E
  • Minor changes to eTicket import & reporting
  • Fixed Convert1.exe for those courts that went to test mode before 1/1/2004 and have still not done a final conversion of their DOS court data.
11/24/04 Release Version 1.04.11D
  • Corrected problem with eTicket reporting where the zip code was blank for a driver.
  • DMVcall now has extra tests for invalid data.
11/16/04 Release Version 1.04.11C
  • When adjourning cases to a different Judge, the DMV eDispo records were not properly transferred. The DMV records now transfer along with the charge and courtday records.
11/09/04 Release Version 1.04.11B
  • Updated laws dictionary for:
            VTL 1151-A
            VTL 03190
            VTL 03750
  • Changed the UTILITY->TOOLS menu to make more options available
11/01/04 Release Version 1.04.11A
  • Clean-up Officer and Attorney Names now works much faster, and can be used in networked and parking courts.
  • Added option to help the upload and download functions work properly through most firewalls. (Passive FTP)
10/18/04 Release Version 1.04.10D
  • Corrected problem with Misc Parking payments credited to the wrong municipality in courts reporting parking fines for multiple municipalities.
  • Added additional checks for duplicate CDR Serial numbers. This will force a reindex of the CDR data when this update is installed.
10/13/04 Release Version 1.04.10C
  • Changed the loading sequence for print drivers. This should help with printing lockups on some Windows XP(tm) machines.
10/06/04 Release Version 1.04.10B
  • Fixed the 'No more room in Workspace' problem on eTicket imports.
  • Added the 'Justice Court Fund Handbook' to the Help Menu
10/01/04 Release Version 1.04.10A
  • Added a utility to reorganize the charge numbers within a case.
             -> CASE MODIFICATION
             -> REORDER THE CHARGES
         The "Reverse All" button will reverse the order of all
         charges in the original case.
09/27/04 Release Version 1.04.09E
  • Added "Get Latest Program Update" to the Help Menu. This option downloads the latest update from the SEi web site.
  • Moved "Upload your backup to SEI" and "Send error logs to SEI" to the Help Menu.
09/21/04 Release Version 1.04.09D
  • Added new support for operating system record locking options. Hopefully this will reduce some of the lockup problems found on some networks.
  • Added 'Mass Adjourn' option to adjourn all cases on a calendar to a new date.
            REPORTS -> CALENDARS -> MASS ADJOURN CALENDAR LIST Optionally the action code, time, and/or Judge may also be updated as the case is adjourned
  • Added 'Mass Letter Utility' option to send a letter to all cases on a calendar list.
09/08/04 Release Version 1.04.09B
  • Added support for New $10.00 Local Surcharge. Requires importing a new form #005.
  • Added support for New $1000.00 Sex Offense Victim Fee. This is the fourth option under 'State Fees'.
  • Corrected spacing problem on some Epson printers when printing labels in 'Raw' mode. Requires importing a new form #621.

    ** Forms modified in this release:
         Raw Label #621 (see above)
         Letter Head 005 (see above)
08/27/04 Release Version 1.04.08D
  • On the 'Case Display Screen' The Amount Due Field is now Red if the action code text includes the word "Scofflawed". This is a reminder to add the Scoff Lift Fees when talking to defendants.
         NOTE: If you hold the mouse over the red word 'DUE',
             the total due, including the maximum Scoff
             Lift Fee, will be displayed. This is the
             amount if all charges were scoffed. If your
             court does not scoff all charges, this amount
             will be incorrect!
08/18/04 Release Version 1.04.08C
  • Added new method for assigning Judges to eTicket imports. Call SEi if you need custom assignment of Judges for eTickets.
  • Cleaned up A/C Report check screen.
  • Changed CDR disposition prompts per requests from OCA
  • Fixed Disposition date on 'Fine/Fee Payment' screen. Date was being reset to today's date after Scoff Lift fee payments.
07/21/04 Release Version 1.04.07D
  • Internal changes for eTicket imports.

    ** Forms modified in this release:
         Corrected error reporting on "Summary of DMV Dispos".
             Auto-Update form #608 "DMV Summary Listing"
07/08/04 Release Version 1.04.07B
  • Fixed a problem with searches when the "Show All With Alias" option is selected. This would sometimes hang up or slow down the program.

    ** Forms added in this release:
          Added "Action Code Counter Report"
          Counts how many times each action code was used for
          any date range. Use to count trials scheduled last
07/02/04 Release Version 1.04.07A
  • Fixed problem with 'Index_No Reset'. The starting index number for each month can now be set to a number higher than the default. If you need help with this option call SEi before you use it!
  • Fixed Action code default on eTicket imports. The action code now follows the defaults set in

    ** Forms added in this release:
         Added "eTicket Import Summary Report"
         Lists all tickets imported by date range.
06/21/04 Release Version 1.04.06D
  • CDR data format fixes requested by OCA.
  • Added a data integrity check to DMV-Call to flag cases where data should not be trusted.
06/14/04 Release Version 1.04.06C
  • Minor changes to eTicket import (Now gets ADA name).
06/07/04 Release Version 1.04.06B
  • Forms only.

    ** Forms modified in this release:
         Added attorney firm to address on Letter Head #5
            (Used on Fine Notice Letter).
         Added option to "Summary of DMV Dispos" to show both
         the Original and Disposition Charges.
             Auto-Update form #608 "DMV Summary Listing"
06/01/04 Release Version 1.04.06A
  • Added a separate 'FINE' field to the CDR Charge Record. Cases transferred for collection can now have the fine reported on the CDR without leaving an amount due on the case.
  • Added ability to 'Lock' receipt numbers. With this feature, receipt numbers can not be changed once they are entered. (Call SEi if you need this feature activated.)
05/11/04 Release Version 1.04.05C
  • Added "Summary of Charges By Statute/Section" report. This report counts the number of times each statute and section is used within a given time period.

    ** Forms modified in this release:
         Both Cashbook reports now sort in receipt number
         Summary Report now reports Civils correctly.
04/21/04 Release Version 1.04.04D
  • Several updates to ILeads Arrest and Summons import
            (Used by Monroe County only)

    ** Forms modified in this release:
         Added "Summary of Charges by Statute/Section"
         report. Like the old DOS program report.
         Added a Letter that prints Case Histories for all
         cases related to the current defendant.
04/07/04 Release Version 1.04.04A
  • Moved the Court ORI number and Court CDR number to the Court Information Screen, and deleted these fields from the Judge Screens. This should eliminate the problem of Courts
03/31/04 Release Version 1.04.03E
  • Added support for ILeads Arrest and Summons import
            (Used by Monroe County only)
  • Fixed searches on ticket number for the new 10 digit eTickets
  • Added ability to enable 'Print Screen'. This was removed in version 1.04.2B, and is back by popular demand!

    ** Forms modified in this release:
         Added new i-Up-Raw label that prints one label for
         the case, not one per violation.
03/08/04 Release Version 1.04.03B
  • Fixed problem importing new eTickets
  • Added New Law tables from DMV and DCJS
02/23/04 Release Version 1.04.02D
  • Added new Laws database from DMV. Corrected the way DMV approved laws are matched for eDispo Courts.
  • The DMV eDispo error report now allows you to select Original or Disposition charge to show.
02/15/04 Release Version 1.04.02C
  • Added Page-Up and Page-Down key support to the Case disposition screen. On multiple charge cases these keys now scroll through the charges on the 'Charge Detail' tab page.
  • Fixed a problem on the Parking payment screen that was causing data to be lost after selecting the payee name.
02/04/04 Release Version 1.04.02A
  • Corrected an error that occurs while creating the DMV eTicket report disk. (Since 1.04.01E) Description: Unknown variable
         Operation: cid_in
01/26/04 Release Version 1.04.01E
  • Added a receipt button to the Adjourn/Dispose screen.
  • Added ability to assign receipt numbers by clerk.
  • Added ability to transfer case from the Adjourn/ dispose and Plea-by-Mail screens.
  • Setting 'Start-up Judge' on the password set-up screen to "0" disables the automatic judge selection.
  • Fixed problem with DMV-Call Plate searches not showing Zip code.
01/13/04 Release Version 1.04.01C
  • Fixed problem with preview of forms and letters when edits were done just after program start-up.
01/05/04 Release Version 1.04.01B
  • Added 'Mass Transfer' option to transfer all open cases from one Judge to another.
  • Fixed problem with 'left-over' help tips.
  • Added features to simplify installation in courts with both Town and Village cases.
12/02/03 Release Version 1.03.12A
  • Fixed a problem with DMV Dispo Disk and Activity Report that started with version 1.03.11D.
11/24/03 Release Version 1.03.11E
  • Fixed problem with multiple Misc Money Transactions or Parking payments not saving payee name properly.
11/20/03 Release Version 1.03.11D
  • Added feature to allow reset or deleted CDRs to use the old Serial numbers

    ** Forms modified in this release:
            Added new Sign-in sheet style of calendar.
            The calendar has boxes for the defendants to
            sign their names.
            Import 'SIGN_IN_BOXES.FRM'
11/15/03 Release Version 1.03.11C
  • Cleaned up the '..LOCK' and '..NOUPDATE' features of forms and letters.
            '..LOCK' Limits access to editing the forms
             and letters.
            '..NOUPDATE' Protects customized forms and letters
             from accidental deletions and updates.
  • Added an indicator to the Case Display screen to indicate that more than one Judge's initials are on a case. This will appear as three yellow plus marks below the Judge's initials. "+++"
  • Added option to transfer charge records to a new Judge when adjourning a case to a new Judge.
  • Added a 'Change Active Judge' button to the 'Not Currently Selected Judge' warning screen. Also made the delay adjustable,
            (See: Utility -> User Defaults)
  • Default for 'All Judges' changed to 'Y' for all CDR actions. This was at the request of OCA.

    ** Forms modified in this release:
          Added an option to the "Summary of DMV Dispos"
          report. You can now select to display the original
          or the disposition statute and section.
10/15/03 Release Version 1.03.10C
  • Fixed "Transfer Case Totally" so money transfer is optional.
  • "Other funds" may now be in either the Bail or Regular account for Judges with two accounts. (Requires an AutoUpdate to Form #701)

    ** Forms modified in this release:
         Added ability to run CDR Summary report by Judge or
         include all Judges.
             (AutoUpdate Form #609 "CDR Summary Listing")
         Fixed DA Calendar to allow sorting by time.
             (Import "DA_CALENDAR.FRM")
         Cashbook Report now handles 'Other Funds' in either
         the Bail or Regular account.
             (AutoUpdate Form #701 "Cashbook Report")
10/07/03 Release Version 1.03.10B
  • Added check for 'PERMIT' Class drivers in DMV_Call
10/02/03 Release Version 1.03.10A
  • Fixed problem with Jury List not working after DMV_Call was installed.
  • Found a conflict with newer HP Printer drivers and speeded up printing to most laser & inkjet printers.
09/23/03 Release Version 1.03.9D
  • Corrected problem with CDRs not showing 'Attempted Flag' when only the attempted indicator changes on the disposition charge.
09/11/03 Release Version 1.03.9B
  • Corrected problems with DMV_Call failing to find full records
  • Many fixes to Parking Letters.

    ** Letters modified in this release:
          Fine Notice now reports Scoff Lift Fees due.
          Case must be 'Scofflawed to State'.

    ** Forms modified in this release:
          Fixed problems with 'Agency Disposition Report'
          now shows reductions and handles sealed cases
          Letter head style #5 now adds money due for the
          Scoff Lift Fees.
          Case must be 'Scofflawed to State'.
             ('LH_005,FRM' or AutoUpdate)
08/29/03 Release Version 1.03.8E
  • Added 'Print' feature to Recent Changes.
  • Added '..LOCK' feature to forms and letters to protect customized forms and letters from accidental deletion.
  • Corrected spacing problem on Letter Head #11. This affects the Warrant and Criminal Summons letters
08/12/03 Release Version 1.03.8C
  • New Laws database from DCJS (Dated 8/8/03)
  • Speeded up the preview of most forms.
  • Several upgrades to parking.
08/04/03 Release Version 1.03.8B
  • Added the local ordinance indicator ('Loc') to the display of checkbook information. This shows the indicators that are reported to Justice Court Fund to indicate 'Local Laws'.
          Values are 'V' - Village Law
             'T' - Town Law
             'P' - Parkway
             'Z' - 306 or 402 while parked
  • Added the Fee Indicator ('FI') to the display of checkbook information. This indicator tells Justice Court Fund how to code special civil fees.
          Values are 'F' - Bail Forfeiture (code not sent to OSC)
             '1' - Bail Poundage
             '2' - Sexual Offender Registration Fee
             '3' - DNA Registration fee
             '4' - Scoff Lift Fee
  • Added a setup program to allow the courts to distribute 'VPEView' to attorneys or others who need to receive and view court documents via e-mail.
  • Corrected problem finding modem on Dell computers with 16-bit driver software.
             DMV_Call reported 'Modem not found'
             Fixed mass transfer so cases can be set to any Judge not just
             active Judge.
07/28/03 Release Version 1.03.7E
  • Added check for defendants over 75 years of age. If over 75 the 'DOB' title on the case display screen will be colored red, and the age will be shown.
  • Added a prompt to do the 'CDR' after the disposition screen is finished on Misdemeanor and Felony cases.
  • Simplified DMV_Call registration procedure.
07/18/03 Release Version 1.03.7D
  • New Laws database from DCJS (Dated 6/26/03)
  • Some speed enhancements
  • Added Termination of Suspension Fee support
            (Scoff Lift Fees are effective September, 2003)
  • Added DNA Database Registration Fee and Sex Offender Registration Fee support
            (These fees were effective May 15, 2003)
07/07/03 Release Version 1.03.7B
  • DMV_Call Release version. Contact SEi for information about ordering this upgrade.
  • You can now edit comments directly from the case display screen. Use Ctrl-6
06/23/03 Release Version 1.03.6D
  • New/Updated Law Table from DMV 06/19/03 Release Version 1.03.6C
    • Enabled 'DMV-Call' functions.
    • Preliminary work on 'Sex Offender fees' and 'Scoff Lift fees'.

      ** Forms modified in this release:
            Fixed problem with cases missing from the
            'Pending Cases' report.
            Fixed formatting problem on 'Matrix of Tickets'
    06/02/03 Release Version 1.03.6A
    • Enabled the 'Find' function in Jury Edit. You can now search for individual jurors.
    • Fixed problem with multiple saves in 'Fine Fee Payment' screen.

      ** New Letters added in this release:
            Added 'Agency Disposition Report'
    05/19/03 Release Version 1.03.5E
    • More clean-up work on the DMV Data Screens.
    • Released The New Windows(tm) version of Parking.
    05/19/03 Release Version 1.03.5D
    • Cleaned up the DMV Data screen.
    • Updated the 'Laws Dictionary'
    • Added new checks to CDR validations

      ** New Letters added in this release:
            Added 'Family Protection Information Sheet' letter.
            Updated both Family and non-Family Orders of
               (OOP_FAM.LTR and OOP_NONF.LTR)
    05/07/03 Release Version 1.03.5B
    • Added option on 'Transfer case totally' to allow money not to be transferred.
    • Added a check for CDR records not matching case records after charges are added or deleted from a case.
    • Added new filter function for reports

      ** New Forms added in this release:
            Added 'Pending Cases' report.
            Added 'Misc. Civil and Parking Payments' report.
    05/01/03 Release Version 1.03.5A
    • Changed JCF reporting so the AC-1030 report uses the old style law codes. This is automatic, and no changes are required in the way the court enters the case data.
           The request for this change was from Audit and
               Control, they need "1180 D" vs "1180 0D"
    04/24/03 Release Version 1.03.4D+
    • Fixed error when adding new disposition codes.
    • Adjournments will now properly transfer case to the currently active judge.

      ** Forms updated in this release:
            Added Defense attorney to civil lines on two
               line calendars. ('AutoUpdate' form 902)
    04/21/03 Release Version 1.03.4D
    • Cleaned up the display of checkbook information from the display case screen. Also added 'Check Number' to the display.

      ** Forms updated in this release:
            Wedding ceremony fixed so time is printed properly.
               ('AutoUpdate' form 607)
            Added words "Order For Supporting Deposition" to
               Letterhead #6.
               ('AutoUpdate' form 006)
    04/16/03 Release Version 1.03.4C
    • Added 'Comment' field to the disposition screen.
    • Added a scroll bar to the DMV dispo screen to allow changing charges on that tab page.

      ** Forms updated in this release:
           Summary reports now list number of 'Speeding - 1180'
              charges closed along with money collected.
           Corrected error on Civil adjournment letter
           Corrected error on Civil Letterheads to allow letters
           to both plaintiffs and defendants.
               ('AutoUpdate' form 003)
               ('AutoUpdate' form 012)
           Corrected spacing problem on Letterhead #4 when
              show charges is set to 'N' (none).
               ('AutoUpdate' form 004)
           Added Officer name to Long Form Request.
               ('AutoUpdate' form 007)
    04/07/03 Release Version 1.03.4B
    • Corrected a problem with the 'Laws Dictionary' that started in version 1.3.4A. Some laws were not converting to DMV standards
    04/02/03 Release Version 1.03.4A
    • Fixed display problem with deduplicating attorneys and officers.
    • Fixed automatic receipt numbers for bail applied to fine and bail poundage so they reflect fine account receipt numbers

      ** Letters updated in this release:
           Added STOP DWI report letter (STOP_DWI_FORM.LTR)
    03/27/03 Release Version 1.03.3E+
    • Revised Ticket Number validation to accept new eTickets
    03/24/03 Release Version 1.03.3E
    • Escape from Seal Case Screen now prompts for a save.
    • Fixed multiple seals from Cases Menu. Only the first search would save correctly.
    • Fixed screen refresh problem on 'Edit Charge' screen. (The Disposition code text was not always visible)
    • Fixed add violation option for Disposition screen.
               (requires level 82='A')

      ** Forms updated in this release:
           DMV Report is now set to alphabetical order
               (Requires an 'AutoUpdate' on form 608)

      ** Letters updated in this release:
           Added Family Protection Agency Letter (FAMILYPROTECT.LTR)
           Updated divestiture letter (DIVEST.LTR)
    03/14/03 Release Version 1.03.3C
    • Corrected 'DO NOT SEAL' problem on eCDR records
    03/10/03 Release Version 1.03.3B
    • Added DMV Buttons to Plea-by-mail & Fine/Fee payment screens.
    • Updating an officer name on a case record now updates the force field at the same time.
    • Added a new report for showing a summary of all 'Current Other' funds. (CURRENTOTHER.FRM)

      ** Forms updated in this release:
              Summary reports by start date and disposition date
               now reflect 511 and 0511 charges correctly
              Cashbook on separate bail courts now display 'Other'
               money correctly on the bail report
              Deposit slips on separate bail courts now display
               'Other' money correctly on the bail account slip
    03/03/03 Release Version 1.03.3A
    • Corrected problem with PL 220.03 CPCS 7th (7th degree was not allowed when adding a new case)

      ** Forms updated in this release:
              Added Old Calendar style #8 (CAL10PITCH.FRM)
    02/26/03 Release Version 1.03.2E
    • Added Delete and Sort Jury Lists
    • Added Jury Letter Reset

      ** Forms updated in this release:
              Cleaned up spacing problem on 'Fancy Letterhead'
              Added 'Ticket Matrix by Officer'
    02/11/03 Release Version 1.03.2B
    • Cleaned up some eTicket error reports.

      ** Letters updated in this release:
              Added efile Letter to report to Audit and Control
              Added New Civil Docket Letter
    01/27/03 Release Version 1.03.1E
    • Fixed problem with Bail Poundage double posting
    • Fixed 'Direct Printer Setup' error notice
    01/20/03 Release Version 1.03.1D
    • 'F5','F6', and 'F7' now insert the first three dates from the 'Date Clipboard' into date fields.
    • Changed the 'Tip Of The Day' shortcut key to 'F11'

      ** Forms updated in this release:
              Cashbook report now properly handles separate bail
               accounts. (You must import this report to fix
               the bail problem. 701.FRM)
              Activity report was locking-up on cases with no
               Courtday records.
    01/06/03 Release Version 1.03.1B
    • Fixed flicker problem when adjourning case from calendar preview
    01/02/03 Release Version 1.03.1A
    • Added 'User Defaults'
    12/23/02 Release Version 1.02.12D
    • Fixed problem searching for cases where attorneys (or Officers) were defendants and/or plaintiffs

      ** Forms updated in this release:
              Summary Aging Report added Civil Cases
              Fixed Civil Landscape calendar so it only shows
              civil cases.

      ** Letters updated in this release:
              ADC 170.56 -- Fixed hours of Community service so
               it can be greater than 9 hours
              Order of Protection Family -- New State form
              Order of Protection Non-Family -- New State Form
    • Added arrest type 'X' to the DMV arrest type table for 'Unknown Arrest Type'.
    12/03/02 Release Version 1.02.12A
    • Fixed problem with Wyoming Motorist IDs.
    • Added a Message that other charges may exist when adding a case where the defendant has other open or ACD charges.
    • Added Age warning to the Case Search Detail Screen if under 18.
    • Fixed Receipt edit function from Case Search Detail screen.
    • Corrected default Judge error on Plea by Mail Screen
    11/28/02 Release Version 1.02.11E
    • Added more validation tests to DMV edits
            Sex must be M/F/C/U
            Speed data required for 1180D and 1180B.
    • Added TAX, TALL & PL cases to DMV Summary Listing. (Report #608)
    • Fixed attorney & officer mailing labels sent from 'LISTS'.
    11/21/02 Release Version 1.02.11D
    • Updated 'Laws' Database to latest DMV and DCJS lists.
    11/08/02 Release Version 1.02.11C
    • Revised the Search Screen.
    • Added a better 'Validate' function to the DMV screens.
    • Added a report to 'DMV Reports' that tests DMV output records.
    10/08/02 Release Version 1.02.10B
    • Cleaned up jury functions and changed jury menu system.
    • Cleaned up Jury Letters.
    • Added validity checks on Judges A/C Numbers.
    • Fixed Problem with Server install from remote computer, Icon shortcut was overwritten with server path, now the shortcut is not updated on a server install.
    • Added Change History to the 'Help Menu'
    09/27/02 Release Version 1.02.9D
    • Added latest law file from DCJS.
    • Added Label driver for Casio Smart Label 220 printer.
    • Added Jury Functions.
    • Added Officer/Attorney cleanup (Call SEi for access).
    09/07/02 Release Version 1.02.9A
    • Fixed problem with printers locking up with invalid numeric error.
    • DDT date and Seal date on CDRs changed from Disposition Date to Adjudication Date per request from OCA.
    • Added Summary Proceeding option to Civil Cases.
    08/05/02 Release Version 1.02.8A
    • Added 'Delete', 'Change' & 'Label' to Attorney/Officer/Prosecutor fields.
    • Automatic Receipt Numbers are selected with '?', '.', or '*'.
    • Added Data folder search function for new workstation installs.
    • Fixed problem with seal screen for over 5 charges.
    • Added sticky dates to addcase and adjdisp.
    • Overpayment on FFPay now enters case closed date.
    07/10/02 Release Version 1.02.7B
    • Added latest law file from DCJS.
    • Added ability to print labels for attorneys and officers not assigned to a case.
    • Fixed length of court name on base screen.
    • Updated CashBook/701 reports for Combined Bail Judges.
    • Fixed various letter printing problems.
    06/18/02 Release Version 1.02.6C
    • Fixed progress bars for calendars and reports.
    • Fixed Convert1 for address revisions on old cases, now builds aliases for multiple addresses!
    • One charge closed and unable to pay other charges fixed.
    06/03/02 Release Version 1.02.6B
    • Fixed problem with calendars from version 1.2.5C.
    05/30/02 Release Version 1.02.6A
    • Fixed problem with resource leak from version 1.2.5C
    • Fix for TTF (TrueType Font) errors.
    05/17/02 Release Version 1.02.5C
    • Added latest law file from DCJS.
    • Cleaned-up Logic commands in letters & forms.
            (".." not needed now)
    • updated cdrcodes.dat.
    • added new checks to DMV input screen.
    05/13/02 Release Version 1.02.5B
    • Fixed problem with multiple courts and DrawLogo options.
    • Enabled receipts for Misc Civil and Parking.
    05/9/02 Release Version 1.02.5A
    • Several screen stability fixes.
    04/2/02 Release Version 1.02.4A
    • Nested If/EndIf, DoWhile, DoCase, For/Next added to LineEval().
    03/21/02 Release Version 1.02.3B
    • Now you can hit 'S' from case display to search again.
    • Allow Civ PgUp/PgDn in Case or Name Order
    • Allow Crim/VTL PgUp/PgDn in Case, Name, or Ticket Order.
    • Added NameSort index to Charges.
    • Added StartDate index to Charges.
    02/27/02 Release Version 1.02.2D
    • Enabled selection and deletion of aliases
    • List_Money() letter function added
    • Fixed paper size selection problems
    02/14/02 Release Version 1.02.2C
    • Raw print features added for dot-matrix printers doing labels
    • 'Bail by Other' function finalized
    01/31/02 Release Version 1.02.1D
    • After 15th adjournment, old adjournments are moved to notes
    • Fixed record of letters sent to update even if no preview.
    • Added Bail by other flag (Bail is red on SCN076 if bail by other than def.)
    01/24/02 Release Version 1.02.1C
    • Fixed Bail Poundage Fee Indicator for electronic filing AC-1030 (cFeeInd)
    • "Add a charge option" added to dispo screen.
    • Fixed PleaByMail to autofill charge text on reductions.
    • Allow edit of DMV data.
    • Added Amherst docket to letters pool
    01/14/02 Release Version 1.02.1B
    • Speedup and new options for backup.
    01/07/02 Release Version 1.02.1A
    • Cleaned up many screens
    • Started new release Version numbers based on date. of release. ie: 1.02.01A
               First digit (1) = Always a one
               Next two digits (02) = Year of release
               Next two digits (01) = Month of release (01-12)
               Last character (A) = Week of release (A-F)
    12/19/01 Release Version 1.01.9M
    • Install no longer leaves a copy of Convert1.exe on local drive an extra copy is on the CD in a folder named EXEs
    • Finished support for DBV file conversions.
    • Cleaned up update screen conflicts
    • Added Transfer ORI number to the CDR program
    12/14/01 Release Version 1.01.9L
    • Fixed Convert1 for new courts.
    12/13/01 Release Version 1.01.9K
    • Added a new public variable mOperator for use in form letters and reports.
    12/01/01 Release Version 1.01.9H
    • Fixed missing/wrong Judge initials on transferred cases.
    • New Update/Install options
    11/21/01 Release Version 1.01.9F
    • Display DMV data on the 'Case Screen' (076)
    • Allow edit of chkbook records from the financial history screen
    • Added a database to track DMV transfers of case disposition data.
    10/21/01 Release Version 1.01.9E
    • Fixed CDR export for OCA/DCJS
    • Added 'Copies Made' Records for A/C-1030 Report
    • Added 'Adjustment' Records A/C-1030 Report
    • Convert1 updated to fix history date problem when first adj code is blank
    • Removed several items from edit civil charge
            (ie. Ticket_No)
    09/14/01 Release Version 1.01.9A
    • First general release of the 'Windows Version' of the program. This includes the features and revisions of the 'DOS Program' upto the current version, in addition to the features suggested by the beta users and customer focus groups.